P. 52


                    more THAN 2000 ITALIAN AND

                   INTerNATIoNAL comPANIeS IN

                       mILAN For ITALIAN eXPorTS

            25 and 26 September 2024, two intense
            days of human and commercial relations

            Go International®, for the fourth year,   The opening session, held at
            aims to be the exhibition of reference   AllianzMiCo in Milan on Wednesday
            to create contact between the demand   25 September, was entitled “Export
            and supply of services in support of   and competitiveness: the Italian system
            export and the internationalization of   on the global market”, with speakers
            companies. This year, more than 150   including Carlo Sangallli (President of   who were able to explore in depth
            exhibitors offered suitable solutions   Confcommercio – Imprese per l’Italia),   the various topics of export, with talks
            for the international business of 2000   Guido Guidesi (Councillor for Economic   focusing on the markets in China,
            professional visitors.                Development, Lombardy Region)         Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Brazil,
                                                                                        Bulgaria, USA, Latin America, Hungary
                                                                                        and Slovakia. The Entrepreneurial Mission
                                                                                        to Japan, which will be from 10 to 16 May
                                                                                        2025 during Expo Osaka 2025, for Italian
                                                                                        companies interested in entering the
                                                                                        Japanese market, was also presented
                                                                                        at Go International®. Organized
                                                                                        by Aica and Italian Fair Service in
                                                                                        collaboration with the Italian Chamber of
                                                                                        Commerce in Japan, it is the opportunity
                                                                                        to develop B2B activities and collect
                                                                                        contacts in various commercial areas.

            This year again, Go International®    Mario Vattani (General Commissar
            helped companies get to know new      for Italy at Expo Osaka 2025) and
            perspectives of the market to circulate   Riccardo Garosci (President Aice).
            their products and services. Thanks to   On its second day, Thursday 26
            one-to-one meetings, visiting companies   September, Go International® again
            could create synergies with commercial   welcomed a very high number of visitors
            offices, law firms, international marketing
            companies, logistics firms and customs
            firms, important players in digital                   THe FIFTH Go INTerNATIoNAL® wILL be
            export and institutions. Thanks to over                         oN 17 AND 18 SePTember 2025
            40 workshops, the topics of AI and the         Next year’s Go International® will be held at Gate 3 in Viale Eginardo
            digital world were explored as well as               (corner of Via Colleoni) in Milan. This larger location will allow
            those closely linked to the activities at          Go International® to host two other major fairs at the same time:
            shows (insurance, customs assistance,        America Latina Expo and Africa International Expo. They share the same
            certifications of foreign markets,              objectives as Go International® for export and internationalization of
            transport shipment, logistics,               companies in two growing markets, full of opportunities for companies.
            publishing and media groups etc.).

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