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Probably most telling was the interest
in the unique ingredients that have
been used for healing, prevention and
beauty by Pacific Islanders for centuries. AboUT ITc AND THe UKTP ProGrAmme
Artisans craft their offerings using United Kingdom Trade Partnerships (UKTP) Programme is
time-honoured techniques passed implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC), and funded
down through generations. From the by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the
hydrating qualities of coconut oil to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. UKTP
soothing effects of tamanu oil favoured aims to increase trade from developing countries to the United
by oshin organics a brand from Kingdom and the European Union by maximizing the benefits
Papau New Guinea, these natural of UK and EU Economic Partnership Agreements and the UK’s
elements are perfect for all skin types. Developing Countries Trading Scheme.
Kuki from Samoa has fatau oil as their UKTP implements various trade promotion and capacity building
hero ingredient, which is sun dried, wild activities around the world at different stages of the value
harvested, cold pressed and seemingly chain. UKTP works in partnership with government agencies,
London visitors could not get enough private sector organisations, public sector institutions, small and
of it on their skin and in their handbags medium-sized enterprises and other local stakeholders.
to take home to hydrate their skin For further information, contact:
as the cold weather approaches.
These potent oils are amongst the many
that are infused into the beauty care
brands from the Pacific that are largely
native to this part of the world. It is not using pure rainwater and are sun-dried “As the demand for nutrient rich
just the power of the plants that are on for weeks. A filtration process then beauty care continues to grow, the
the land but also in the water. follows using steam and no additives Pacific Islands should be poised to
Nama Fiji is a brand that uses a unique or chemicals. Loloma’s process of become a go-to choice for beauty
type of seaweed from the pristine waters extracting the oil naturally without
enthusiasts as the interest from all
of Fiji that has much higher percentages chemicals is unique as many other oils
of trace mineral elements like ionic use a bleaching process to whiten their members of the beauty industry
mineral salts, which support longer oil, Loloma’s oil is naturally clear. Other at Salon Beauty very much proved.
lasting hydration on an intracellular level. benefits of Loloma’s filtration technology However, the path to market
The harvesting activity also give the oil a light coconut smell, never in Europe remains challenging
generates a valuable income source overpowering and reduces the texture so for artisan brands and most
to villages and, through a sustainable it is highly absorbent and never greasy. of these businesses are still
harvesting program, safeguards Emphasizing sustainability, these Pacific seeking distribution partnerships.
an important natural resource Island beauty care brands prioritise
in a pristine environment. eco-friendly practices. Consumers can We are keen to make contact
Loloma, a Fijian made 100% organic indulge in luxurious skincare while with distributors who are interested
Virgin Coconut Oil moisturizer free contributing to a healthier planet. Each in the transformative benefits
of harmful chemicals, parabens or product tells a story, rooted in the rich of Pacific Islands beauty care and
sulphites and with multiple uses from cultural traditions of the Pacific Islands. engaging with our beautiful brands”.
one jar, is a must-have item for a daily This blend of ancient wisdom The ITc pavilion at Salon beauty
beauty regimen. Loloma’s natural and modern science results in featured Pacific Islands beauty care
formulation begins with the freshest and innovative formulations that celebrate
businesses from Tonga, Vanuatu,
best coconuts sourced from organic the islands’ unique beauty rituals.
plantations from the pristine, crystal Pacific Islands Trade Commissioner to Fiji, Samoa and Papua New Guinea.
clear unique Northern Islands in Fiji. Europe, Jodie Stewart, said the show These included Naturally Fiji,
Mature coconuts with the softest flesh was an extraordinary podium on which Loloma, Nama, Feniu, Kuki,
are selected and cracked open by hand to promote these exquisite products. Kavanua and oshin organics.
For further information on any of these products or to coordinate an interview please contact:
Jodie Stewart: | T. +41 79 897 4783