Page 33 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 33

R R  E E  P P   O O  R R  T T

          With its vast market size, Asia presents significant opportunities   Smaller Asian economies such as Indonesia, Malaysia and
          for beauty brands, but entry into individual markets requires a   Thailand  have  much  to  offer  due  to  their  economic  growth
          localised, culturally sensitive, and strategic approach to cater   and expanding consumer bases. From 2020 to 2040, Asia’s
          to the unique preferences and needs of each country.        emerging  markets  are  expected  to  increase  their  GDP  from
                                                                      23% to 30%, mainly driven by China’s growth. Indonesia and
          GENERAL OUTLOOK FOR                                         Vietnam are  set  to  more  than  double  their GDP,  while  India
          ASIAN EMERGING MARKETS                                      and the Philippines are expected to see the strongest growth
          SOuTH EAST ASIANS DEMAND GREATER                            rates and triple their GDP. However, there are challenges to be
          ATTENTION TO CuSTOMER TYPE AND                              faced, such as slow productivity growth due to skills shortages,
          MORE ACCESS TO LOCAL & PREMIuM BRANDS                       insufficient infrastructure development, and the growing risks

          For the past two decades, Asia’s emerging markets have been   of climate change in coastal and island nations in the region.
          dynamic, and this trend is expected to continue despite growth   While GDP and  consumer spending  are on  the rise, living
          rates potentially slowing as economies mature. By 2040, it is   standards still lag behind those of advanced economies.
          forecasted that Asia will contribute nearly a third of global   Opportunities for post-COVID growth involve shifting towards
          GDP  and  over  a  quarter  of  consumer  spending  as  over  one   more service-oriented growth models, as seen in the Philippines.
          billion  people enter the consumer class between  2021 and   Even in places such as Thailand, where manufacturing remains
          2040, totalling 2.7 billion consumers by 2040 and presenting   essential, services are becoming  increasingly important. In
          significant opportunities for businesses and investors.     Vietnam, both manufacturing and services sectors are poised
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