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                                                  ENTHUSIASTIC CoMMENTS                 Cosmoprof and Cosmopack,”
                                                  FRoM STAKEHoLDERS                     said Paola Beschella, Italian Trade
                                                  The rich exhibition offer, the high-quality   Commissioner in Hong Kong.
                                                  contents, and the performing business   “Cosmoprof Asia is a platform that
                                                  tools of Cosmoprof and Cosmopack      truly embodies the global stature of
                                                  Asia have been highly appreciated and   a B2B beauty exhibition, thanks to its
                                                  recognized by stakeholders while on   efficient layout and the participation
                                                  the show floor. “This was our first time   of professional suppliers from various
                                                  exhibiting at Cosmopack Asia, having   countries. The event allows attendees
                                                  also shown at Cosmopack Italy this year   to meet multiple suppliers and uncover
                                                  we were excited to see buyers from    business opportunities within a short
                                                  different regions. Amelia Knight is a   period, making it highly time-efficient.
                                                  UK head quartered company with fully   In particular, its high-quality services and
            The exhibition offer was paired with   owned factories in the UK and China,   effective business matching programs
            exclusive insights and special initiatives.   and this positions us very well for the   make it an outstanding exhibition for
            Over 1300 attendees followed          buyers attending Cosmopack in Hong    establishing meaningful partnerships,”
            the round-panel discussions           Kong. We have been very happy with the   said Hayden Haesung Lee, CEO,
            of CosmoTalks, focusing on            organisation, location and the number   BEAUTYLABS (Korea)
            macro-trends, market and product      of buyers that attended, with a big
            developments, sustainability, retail   difference for us being the acceptance   SpECIAL pRoJECTS pUSHING
            solutions, consumer behaviour, and    of Asian manufacturing and focus on   FoR A SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRY
            innovation in beauty technologies.    quality and value. We have met many   Sustainability was a key focus
            70% of the partners leading these     old customers and new contacts from   for the 2024 edition, with dedicated
            sessions were from international      mature markets as well as new potential   projects highlighting companies’
            countries, underscoring Cosmoprof     customer from regions we have not     strong commitment towards
            Asia’s commitment to addressing       attracted before, including India, Russia,   environmental sustainable practices.
            global trends and hot topics.         Indonesia and China. We will certainly   “Be Sustainable with Beauty”, the
            Cosmo Onstage entertained more        be back next year,” said Paul J Salmon,   -e-book showcasing shortlisted
            than 230 beauty professionals,        Global Sales Director – Private Label,   companies at Cosmopack Asia, served
            with peak moments provided            Amelia Knight Ltd (UK).               as a guide for buyers and all other
            by The AHMA Hair Council celebrating   “Our participation in this year’s    stakeholders seeking sustainable
            CUP of GBA (Hong Kong) HAIR &         exhibition has been remarkably        solutions within the beauty supply chain.
            IMAGE DESIGN COMPETITION 2024,        successful. We were particularly pleased   Cosmoprof Asia hosted the charity
            and the NAILPRO® Competitions         with our booth location and visibility,   project Boutique, the sampling
            ASIA-HONG KONG 2024.                  which attracted a steady stream of    shop featuring 15 selected sponsor
            Cosmoprof Asia 2024 released the      engaged visitors and meaningful       companies’ flagship products.
            exclusive CosmoTrends Asia Report,    inquiries. The quality of meetings and   All proceeds have been donated
            curated by BEAUTYSTREAMS,             connections made at Cosmoprof Asia    to Save the Children Hong Kong.
            offering insights into the latest     Hong Kong has generated significant
            trends across the Asia-Pacific region.   potential leads that we are very optimistic
            The report highlighted 5 emerging     about.” said Harold Kim, COO, Berlin
            trends, represented by 20 shortlisted   Packaging / NEST-FILLER PKG (Korea).
            companies from the exhibiting brands.   “The Italian Trade Agency is proud
            Cosmoprof Asia celebrated             to have brought to Cosmoprof Asia
            the excellence of beauty in the       2024 a group of 39 Italian Companies,
            region with the Cosmoprof             representing the industry in 3 strategic
            and Cosmopack Asia Awards:            segments: Skincare, Make-up and
            11 exhibitors were rewarded           Haircare; and to have registered the
            thanks to their innovation,           presence of 48 more, in both sections
            creativity and brand strategy,
            under the valuable analyses
                                                                       SAVE THE DATE FoR THE 2025 EDITIoN!
            and judgement of a global                                 Let’s meet again in Hong Kong: Cosmoprof Asia from
            jury with renown experts,                       November 11 to 14, Cosmopack Asia from November 10 to 13.
            KOLs, and industry leaders.

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