P. 56


                                                  The Dynamism

                                                  & DiversiTy of

                                                  LaTin american


         Trailblazer, entrepreneur, advisor and
          business strategist are just some of
         the ways to describe Valérie Kaminov,
           Founder & Managing Director of
        International Luxury Brand Consultancy.
        Valérie’s enviable reputation in the world
        of international beauty, stems from her
        highly effective approach to developing
       brands. Her forward-thinking acumen and
        smart strategies are based on an innate
       insight into global markets, an ability that
         has led her to take brands to up-and-
       coming beauty destinations before others.
        This deep understanding of the industry,
         how to position products, where to go,   Latin America encompasses 33 countries
         who to speak to and how to get results   across Mexico, Central America, South
        has made IL Brand Consultancy the go-to   America and parts of the Caribbean.
          company for beauty brands looking       In recent years the region has emerged as one
        to grow their business around the world.   of the most important markets in the cosmetics
           Since establishing her influential
         consultancy, Valérie has successfully    industry and currently ranks as the fourth
           steered emerging talents to global     largest in the global skincare sector.
        recognition, re-established well-known    With a projected value of US$58.69 billion
           names, advised on growth plans         by 2025 Latin America fast-growing dynamic
        and introduced a host of beauty brands    makes it very attractive for both national
            to new distribution channels.         and international beauty brands.
           She has been instrumental in the
       transformation of many businesses around   A UNIQUE & VIBRANT REGIoN
        the world and always on the belief that
         profitable market entry and sustained    Latin America’s expansive reach and population
           growth require the right partners.     of more than 660 million inhabitants generates a
          It is why she is regarded as one of     rich diversity that is reflected by the vibrant beauty
         the most well-connected people in the    industry. Each market has carved a unique niche that
         industry. Having been at the forefront   creates an inherent connection between brands and
        of the global cosmetics industry for over   their origins, and importantly their culture especially
         25 years, Valerie’s thought leadership   when you look at Mexico and South American countries.
          and knowledge have led her to be a
        regular contributor to Export Magazine,   Powering the revenue growth is a growing population (particularly the middle-class
         creator of Connect Beauty, host at the   sector), expanding skincare concerns and an increasing spending power.
        IMF Convention, developer of the Cannes   Brands such as L’Oreal, Shiseido, Avon, Estée Lauder, and Oriflame have
        Duty Free programme as well as author     maintained their strong presence through innovation and ongoing focus on
        of the informative market-focused Inside   strengthening their consumer product base. Product innovation is a key asset
         Cosmetics Collection that have become    in gaining long-term competitive advantage within the region.
         required reading for brands looking at   Another added value to cosmetics and skincare products is safety and efficacy
        global expansion. From launching brands
         on the international stage to being a    testing, there has been an escalation in demand for clinical testing, aided by
        business intelligence resource, Valérie’s   the government’s initiative to impose stricter control on the cosmetics sector.
          rare combination of skills make her
         an exceptional consultant and advisor.
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