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CULTURAL NUANCES global appeal of K-pop. For any brand looking to attract the
Latin America is a region that celebrates cultural richness, Latin American consumer, the values of family, individuality
diversity and deeply rooted traditions. These characteristics and staying on-trend are key considerations.
create unique market dynamics that require careful navigation
by beauty brands. As Barbara Kern and Solange Spetseri of NAVIGATING THE MARKETS
Lumina The One explain “each country has its nuances – for The opportunities of South American markets is vast and with
example, Brazilians value vibrancy, innovation and inclusivity, skilful navigation can be very beneficial with business growth.
while Mexicans appreciate traditions and heritage. Across Trade barriers, high import taxes, a varied and challenging
the region, key characteristics to highlight include the regulatory environment and a strong counterfeit market need
importance of community and personal connections, family- to be considered with any market entry plans. Many trade
oriented values, and the growing interest in sustainability and agreements now include provisions to simplify cross-border
authenticity. To align with these traits, we help brands localize operations, reflecting the region’s adaptability to global
messaging, adapt product offerings, and create culturally trends. Guidance with the registration process and working
relevant importance. A one-size-fits-all approach won’t work.” with the recommended institutions is a pre-requisite.
Latin American
consumers are noticeably
drawn to international
markets and brands
that offer a balance of
excitement, relatability
and innovation. France
and Italy are particularly
popular for their
reputation in luxury and
high-quality beauty and
fragrances. The United
States also exerts a strong
influence particularly
with its innovative yet
approachable products.
South Korea has become
a more recent favourite
(especially among
younger generations)
thanks to its advanced
beauty products and the
Latin America is emerging as a powerful beauty destination that is demonstrating industry
leading growth through increasing demand for cosmetics and a love of innovation particularly
in the realms of sustainability and tech. Although Brazil and Mexico lead the pack, other South
American nations are showing a noticeable upswing in their market growth. With each market
there is a unique and distinctive dynamism that offers multiple opportunities for the global
beauty sector.
For more information on how iL Brand consultancy can help you successfully expand your brand
into different markets, please contact us on or visit our website at