P. 80


      pAckAGInG premIere

      & pcd mILAn

                             A UNIQUE EVENT FOR THE LUXURY

                             AND BEAUTY INDUSTRIES

                                                    leitmotiv of the edition: “Our goal is   President of Korean brand Amorepacific
                                                    to impress our loyal community of     will be the keynote speaker. The speakers
                                                    industry professionals. We are looking   worth mentioning, who will enliven the
                                                    forward to an inspiring edition which   extensive schedule of talks, include
                                                    will reveal pioneering packaging driven   Karim Rado, Brand General Manager of
                                                    by the latest progresses in responsible   Garnier.  Furthermore,  Elena  Ornaghi,
                                                    innovation and smart design”, says Pier   Creative  Coordinator  of  Veralab,  will
                                                    Paolo Ponchia, Founder and Director   be on stage during the presentation of
                                                    of Packaging Première. What makes     the winning projects of Avant-Garde as
                                                    the  event  unique  is  the  opportunity   part of the jury for the design category.
                                                    for visitors - professionals, designers   The Avant Garde project is once again
                                                    and  brands  -  to  find  innovative  and   evolving, involving exhibitors, design
                                                    sustainable solutions for the packaging   and  branding  agencies,  material
                                                    of beauty, perfume, cosmetics, personal   manufacturers,  deluxe  packaging
                                                    care and luxury products. PCD showcases   suppliers and start-ups with the purpose
                                                    the best suppliers of primary packaging   of developing materials or products
                                                    such as airless systems, bottles, caps,   that  are  considered  worthy  in  terms
                                                    glass and plastic packaging, sampling   of innovation, social and environment
                                                    technologies, tubes, valves and pumps,   benefit.  The  2024  edition  of  Packaging
                                                    while  Packaging  Première  include  the   Première and PCD Milan will be a truly
                                                    top names from raw materials and      immersive  and  interactive  experience,
                                                    intermediates,   finished   products,   that will engage all five senses. Visitors
                                                    complements and trimmings, and        will embark on a journey through
                                                    packaging  services.  In  addition  to  the   olfactory art, pastry mastery and digital
                                                    exhibition space,  Packaging Première   creativity. Like a sensory symphony,
                                                    &  PCD  Milan also  provides a key  to   Packaging Première and PCD Milan have
                                                    interpreting  the  most  relevant  and   developed the Home Fragrance project:
             Packaging Première & PCD Milan is      latest  topics  in  the  realm  of  packaging   a  sweet-inspired  room  fragrance
             gearing  up  for  its  upcoming  edition,   from a cultural point of view. Among   developed in collaboration with pastry
             scheduled from May 21 to May 23        the conferences not to be missed, the   chef Gianluca Fusto, the students of the
             2024 in Milan. The leading event for   one led by Kiko on May 22  and another   Italian Perfumery Institute, CFF Creative
             deluxe  packaging  offers  a  unique   one focusing on the top trends of the   Flavours & Fragrances, digital artist
             opportunity to bring to the spotlight   Far East market, with a special analysis   Vincenzo  Marsiglia,  New Genius  Glass,
             high-end  packaging  solutions  for  the   on  Korean  cosmetics,  recognised  as  a   Cerve, Crona & Fratus, Valtenna with
             luxury and beauty industries. Creativity,   global excellence: Jungwon Heo, Lead   Fedrigoni paper, Grafical with Fedrigoni
             technology  and  sustainability  are  the   of Creative Center and Senior Vice   Self-Adhesive and Luxoro.

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