P. 75
First, brands must follow the process of notifying Cosmetics use in the cosmetic products in addition to a list of preservatives
Products in Saudi Arabia. The first point is to submit product and coloring items allowed in the Cosmetic Products website in
labeling. Brands must attach clear images of the products, accordance with article four of Implementing Regulations of the
showing its information and substitutions in a visible way. Cosmetics Products Law. With nearly 30 ingredients that are not
These labels must be in conformity with the Cosmetic Products permitted, it is imperative that brands review their ingredient
Legislation and the Standard to Safety Requirements for Cosmetic list carefully before proceeding with any further registration.
Products and personal care No. GSO1943/20016. It must have A brand must then submit a list of documents to continue the
its own barcode. Brands must then add product components in eCosma process and the notifier is the held representative
the Electronic system, this must include all active and inactive of the product. The duration of registration takes between 3
ingredients, role and exact concentrations. The authority has months to one year and therefore brands must take this into
recently published a list of the banned products and restricted careful consideration when entering the Saudi Arabian Market.
A conversation with EXPORT MAGAZINE: What factors are experiences and a demand for rarity and
Brooke Bergé, affecting the strength of the competition in exclusivity are also what consumers look for and
the Saudi Arabia Spa and Salon Market?
where Clients gain a competitive advantage.
Division Manager for Beauty Brooke Bergé: Spa budgets have segmented
Distribution at Ali Bin Ali Holding the market through different price points and EM: Why is the spa and salon market one
services, catering to different audiences and of the biggest distribution channels in the
substitutes for the market are abundant. Middle East and what integral part does the
country play?
EM: What has led to the increased
investment in technological advancements BB: Saudi Arabia’s travel and tourism industry is
to provide personalized solutions and expected to have the fastest growth in the Middle
enhance consumer experience in the Saudi East over the next decade and the performance
Spa and Salon Market? of the market is projected to accelerate, with a
BB: The market is driven by various macroeconomic growing emphasis on wellness and self-care,
factors, including urbanization, evolving lifestyles, advancement in technology, the digitization of
rising disposable income, including increased spa services due to rising disposable income and
I had the pleasure of meeting with consumer spending and population growth. a rise in travel and tourism. Furthermore, as
Brooke at the BeautyWorld Saudi Arabia Technological advancements such as developing people’s purchasing power increases, there is a
Exhibition in February this year and mobile apps to better serve customers can improve greater demand for recreational activities and
was blown away by her knowledge and membership retention rates and touch-free luxury experiences, leading to an increase in the
passion for the spa market. Ali Bin Ali technology is increasingly gaining popularity. number of spas and resorts.
Group is one of the largest retail and In conclusion, the Saudi Arabian Spa and Salon
distribution companies in Qatar and EM: What is the go to strategy for the Spa market holds great promise of growth over the next
Ali Bin Ali Beauty, a Division under the and Salon network in the Kingdom? And 5 years and there is opportunity for new brands to
Ali Bin Ali Group, is one of the fastest- why are customer acquisition and retention enter this market. However, due to the domination
growing companies across the GCC. Ali strategies most important? of large brands with strong foot holding, coupled
Bin Ali Beauty are currently the Regional BB: Spas that offer pay-as-you-go services, with a with Saudi Arabia’s complex legislation, brands
Leaders in Beauty Distribution, having possibility of extending it to a full membership in should seek expert advice when exploring this
carefully curated a best-in-class portfolio, the future are gaining more popularity by giving market so that efforts aren’t wasted.
committed to offering consumers highly consumers a broader choice and great power.
effective, results orientated, clean luxury Upselling, loyalty programs, package deals and
alternatives that are both ethical and gift cards boost profits and gain a competitive
sustainable whilst focusing on medical- edge. The key strategy, however, should be
efficacy and wellness alternatives. The focused mainly on the cost of the service, as price
Holdings success is widely known and is competition has become more intensive among
born out of their unwavering commitment mid-market and budget operators. Furthermore,
to the long-term development and strategies on expanding the customer journey
strategic growth of not just their holding and more importantly improving the customer
but also that of their partners. experience are extremely important, unique
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