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R R  E E  P P   O O  R R  T T

          Furthermore, while online sales currently remain relatively low,   $248.5 million equating to 67.5% of the market’s overall value.
          this is expected to grow to account for around 17% of overall   The day/club/salon spa segment contributed revenues of $72.3
          sales during 2024. As more Saudi women join the workforce,   million in 2022, which was equivalent to 19.7% of the market’s
          the demand for mass beauty and personal care products       aggregate value.
          is expected  to increase alongside a rising
          demand for Halal-certified products.

          Saudi Arabia’s Young Market
          projects accelerated growth
          for the beauty market
          Approximately 37% of Saudi Arabia’s
          population is below the age of 14, and those
          under the age of 25 account for around
          51%. Once people under the age of  29  are
          included, the total percentage of young people in Saudi Arabia   As  the  kingdom  continues  to  successfully  diversify  its
          amount to two thirds of the kingdom’s population.           economic  activities,  it  is  also  expected  to  benefit  from  an
          This has led to a rise in the trend of social media influencers   increase  in  tourism.  Coupled  with  its  established  brand
          showcasing their beauty regimes over the past few years, with   reputation and wide range of services and facilities it offers,
          both national and  international beauty companies turning   Saudi Arabia is quickly becoming the go-to place in the MEA
          to  influencers  as  a  route  to  attract  the  younger  consumer’s   for wellness vacations. If we add to this the ever falling rate
          attention and raise brand awareness.                        of  unemployment,  the  rising  disposable  income,  and  the
          Saudi Arabia has one of the highest rates of smartphone     presence of women in the workplace with a desire to care
          ownership in the world, which is another indicator as to why   for their health and wellness as well as their appearance, it is
          brands should prioritise a strong online marketing strategy   clear that Saudi Arabia is a very attractive market for brands
          when launching into any market, especially Saudi Arabia.    to explore. The development of resorts where customers can
          When  put  together,  this  young  consumer  profile  and  the   enjoy  treatments in  the same  location  as they  can  sleep  is
          increase of women joining the workforce means that Saudi    highly attractive and is driving the market volume up quickly,
          Arabia benefits from one of the highest spends per capita on   with a projected CAGR of 12.5% between 2022-2028. Saudi
          cosmetics worldwide.                                        Arabia’s travel and tourism industry is expected to have the
                                                                      fastest growth in the Middle East region over the next 10 years.
          A shift towards clean beauty,                               The government of Saudi Arabia has a strategic framework
          fuelled by COVID-19                                         called “Saudi Vision 2030” which focuses on the development
          The trend towards clean beauty comes as no surprise,        of sectors such as recreation, health, infrastructure, tourism
          with this trend sweeping across the globe due to growing    and others to reduce its financial reliance on oil. Their main
          environmental awareness and the responsibility that is      focus will be to continue to drive tourism, which will have an
          being put on the consumer to make smarter purchasing        unquestionable effect on the growth of the spa and wellness
          decisions, not only for beauty and personal care but across   market within Saudi Arabia. The market is highly fragmented
          all categories. This in turn has meant that some consumers   with large, established brands operating next to small and
          have  been  left  with  no  choice than  to  switch  from higher-
          priced mass products to lower-priced premium products.
          As a result, there is more demand for local, eco-friendly,
          natural, halal and organic skincare products.

          The Saudi Arabian spa market: one to keep an eye on
          Taking  into consideration  all of  the above factors, i.e young
          population, high per capita spend, women joining the
          workforce and a shift towards clean beauty, it is very clear that
          the spa and wellbeing sector in Saudi Arabia is one to keep a
          close eye on. Despite the negative growth due the COVID-19
          pandemic, the hotel/resort spa segment accounted for the
          market’s largest proportion  in  2022, with  total revenues of
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78