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                                              [comfort zone]

                       WINS THE “BEST PACKAgINg AWARD” 2024

                                           SPECIAL ENVIRoNMENT

            [comfort zone], a leader in the sector
            of professional beauty for almost
            30 years, has recently won the
            “Best Packaging Award 2024 Special
            Environment” with its Refillable
            Hydramemory Rich Sorbet Cream.
            This year’s award is dedicated to
            emphasizing those solutions which
            stand out in terms of design in the
            direction of accessibility to content.
            In this context, [comfort zone] has
            won the Special Environment prize,
            for its commitment to preventing
            and reducing the environmental
            impact according to the guidelines of
            eco-design of Conai, the
            Italian Packaging Consortium.         version of Hydramemory Rich Sorbet    vs. two units of the previous version;
            This honour has been obtained thanks   Cream: the introduction of a refill   it is easier to recycle and FSC
            to the non-stop work of the marketing   system, an innovative solution with   certified paper packaging is used.
            and research and development teams    significant benefits both with respect   Paolo Goi, Global Research, Innovation
            of [comfort zone], which redesigned   to the version of the previous line   and Quality Director of the Davines
            the packaging the Hydramemory         and during subsequent repurchases,    Group, commented, “This prize
            line, already appreciated for         with 95% less of material used for the   represents further recognition of our
            its proven efficacy and which has     packaging (with the purchase of the   constant commitment to innovation
            been on the market since 2007.        refill vs. the whole original product) and   and excellence, and for the continuous
            An important innovation has been      14% less of material used compared to   search for increasingly sustainable
            introduced into the new reformulated   the previous line (new packaging + refill   practices in the sector we operate in.”

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