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            FoR THE SCALP

            AND HAIR

             An extensive range
             of professional


             for hair and
             scalp problems

            Rebitalia Professional Cosmetics produces and sells      Furthermore, during the proposed treatments, with the
            haircare treatments for the well-being of the scalp and   hair microcamera they will be able to appreciate the
            hair. It is based in Friuli Venezia Giulia, near Udine and   improvements obtained with the products used.
            Slovenia, in the north-east of Italy and has over 30 years
            of experience in haircare products. Rebitalia produces   NuTRy KERATIN LAMELLAR
            a complete range of haircare products, with about 100    MAgIC WATER
            references to meet the needs of every type of hair.      The new frontier
                                                                     for the hair structure
                                                                     Frequent chemical treatments and
                                                                     adverse atmospheric conditions
                                                                     can have a negative effect on the
                                                                     hair fibre. Nutry Keratin Lamellar
                                                                     Magic Water is the new liquid
                                                                     conditioner from Rebitalia based
                                                                     on lamellar, nourishing, softening
                                                                     and polishing substances with
                                                                     a low molecular weight and an acidic pH. It restructures the
                                                                     hair, giving it intense shine and softness for several days. The
                                                                     product acts on the fibres in 10 seconds and rinses out easily
                                                                     for an amazing result. It comes in a 200ml size. The ritual starts
                                                                     with washing the hair with Nutry Keratin Bagno Intensive and
            THE ADVANTAgES oF TRICHoLogICAL ANALySIS WITH            then rinsing. The right amount of Nutry Keratin Lamellar Magic
            MICRoCAMERA                                              Water should be distributed on the hair, to be followed by
            A microcamera for skin analysis will bring significant   a delicate massage. After 10 seconds, rinse thoroughly and
            advantages. Clients will be able to understand what      proceed with the desired hairstyle. At the end of the ritual the
            has happened to their scalp. As a result, they will better   hair will be shiny and soft. In case of particularly frizzy and brittle
            understand the importance of any treatments that are offered   hair or to obtain a super intensive effect, apply the Nutry Keratin
            to heal skin and make their hair healthy and strong.     Impacco mask and rinse thoroughly after a few minutes.

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