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                                                                                        The Group operates on the international
                                                                                        markets of professional beauty, for skin
                                                                                        and hair care through the Davines and
                                                                                        [comfort zone] brands. It is present in
                                                                                        over 90 countries and as well as the
                                                                                        headquarters and production plant in
                                                                                        Parma, has 8 offices in the world, in
                                                                                        New york, London, Paris, Dusseldorf,
                                                                                        Mexico City, Deventer (the Netherlands)
                                                                                        Hong Kong and Shanghai.
                                                                                        In 2016 Davines became a
                                                                                        B Corporation, a company that aims
                                                                                        at generating, through its business,
                                                                                        a positive impact on people,
                                                                                        the planet and the community.
                                                                                        All the formulas and developed and
                                                                                        made at the headquarters of Davines
                                                                                        Group in Parma, the brand is specialized
            Over the past twenty years, Davines   become the new logistics centre.      in highly sustainable products
            has integrated sustainability into its   Founded by the Bollati family, Davines   formulated with artisanal methods and
            strategy of growth and is focused     Group is a family business which      created according to the most advanced
            on a regenerative business model.     celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2023.   cosmetic research and technologies.
            For the Davines Group, beauty is not
            only excellent formulas but also
            ethics and sustainability.
            Today, sustainability is a competitive
            factor for Davines and an integral
            part of its distinctive positioning.
            We are expanding our premises
            with more space for offices and
            production and invested in boosting
            the productive capacity of the plant.
            There will now be (see box)
            a new building which will


                  Crédit Agricole Italia has granted a loan to euro 10   of sustainable products through the use of natural raw
                  million to Davines S.p.A., a leading company in the   materials of high quality and recyclable packaging.
                  beauty sector that is greatly attentive to ESG topics,   Sustainability plays a central role in the business model
                  for the purchase of property that will allow a better   of the company which since 2019 has been a Benefit
                  management of logistics. The loan, which is in line   Company with the ambitious objective of becoming
                  with the attention paid both by Crédit Agricole Italia   ‘net zero emissions’ by 2050 at the latest. Since 2016
                  and Davines towards topics related to environmental   the Davines Group has been a B Corp and in 2023
                  protection, together with a mechanism of pricing   obtained its third certification with a score of123.5,
                  reduction, connected with reaching some objectives   recording an improvement compared to the two
                  of sustainability including the reduction of CO    previous certifications of 2016 and 2020 and confirming
                  emissions for the entire duration of the operation. The   its commitment towards sustainability and for
                  Davines Group has been engaged in the production   transition towards a regenerative model of growth.

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