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R R  E E  P P   O O  R R  T T

          such as microblading, threading, castor oil treatments or simply  Legislation and Distribution: The Keys to Success
          using brow products continue to thrive with consumers looking   Whilst this market has huge potential for growth, the legislation
          to achieve the perfect arch.                               is rigid and requires a person on the ground to be able to bring
                                                                     products to the Malaysian market. Only a local company with
          Multi-Step Skincare Routines                               an  import  license  (importer/  distributor  or  subsidiary)  may
          Inspired by eastern  beauty practices, Malaysians have     undertake the procedure for placing a cosmetic product on
          embraced multi-step skincare routines that prioritise hydration   the market.
          and nourishment. From double cleansing to layering serums   This procedure must be carried out by a company, or a legal entity
          and essences, this trend  emphasises self-care and  achieving   incorporated in the field of cosmetics, with a permanent address
          healthy, glowing skin.                                     and registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia.
                                                                     While  an  emerging  number  of  multi-brand  stores  carrying  a
          E-commerce: threat or opportunity?                         wide range of beauty and personal care products have entered
          While retail e-commerce saw slower growth in 2023 as a result of   the distribution landscape, it is expected that standalone stores
          consumers returning to shopping in stores, the online channel   and beauty specialists will see rapid expansion in future. One
          nonetheless continued to win share in many areas of beauty and   brand leading the way in this approach is Estée Lauder, whose
          personal care. Local brands and stores have the challenge of the   sleek  and  modern  new  flagship  store  in  Mid  Valley  Megamall
          ever growing e-commerce channel with the younger population   KL opened in 2022 with a distinctive design that has attracted
          starting to educate themselves via social media channels and   consumers to come through their doors.
          following the guidance of influencers such as Daisey Gorgeous
          and Zee5 on Tiktok, showing followers skincare and make up
          routines and collaborating with  brands. This has meant that
          more traditional stores such as Watsons have therefore begun
          to adopt an omnichannel approach in order to compete.

                                                                     While high-end cosmetic products are still mainly distributed
                                                                     in  multi-brand  outlets,  many  companies  have  successfully
                                                                     developed their own store channels (L’Occitane, Khiel’s, The
                                                                     Face Shop, Mac, Bobbi Brown, Melvita, Aesop, etc.).
                                                                     It’s crucial that brands fully understand the market and partner
                                                                     with someone who is experienced in the Malaysian beauty market
                                                                     and can help successfully navigate the entry to ensure success.

          Strong Export Performance
          Malaysia’s export is very strong and as a result, boasts of great
          development of personal care products which in turn is supported
          by  the  robust  growth  in  demand.  Euromonitor  International
          reported that sales of beauty and personal care in Malaysia
          is expected to reach USD 3.6 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 7.4%
          during 2020-2025. Thus far, Malaysia’s exports have exceeded
          USD 300 million, mainly to the USA, Japan, Australia, Hong Kong,
          Taiwan, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia.
          Considering this potential growth, global chain retailers and
          hypermarkets are quickly expanding their private label offerings
          to include shampoos, depilatories, facial care and styling agents.

                          For more information on how IL Brand Consultancy can help you expand your brand,
                          please contact us on or visit our website at
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