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R    E    P    O     R    T

          We spoke to François Tavernier, CEO, Kosmos.               they  do  have these two, the battle for  advocacy  will  decide the
          Who provided us with some great insight                    brands which will arrive to end-users’ hands: brands are constantly
          into the Vietnamese Beauty market                          looking for influential doctors, spa or skincare clinic owners, KOC,

                   Living in Vietnam since 2014 after graduating from HEC   or celebrities to recommend their products..
                        Paris, Francois Tavernier has worked as a Retail   In terms of distribution channels, premium skincare is mostly
                          executive for Central Group before joining   distributed in  spa  and skincare clinics, through dermatologists
                            the  American  consulting  firm  The  Boston   and hospitals, as well as through beauty chains, social selling and
                             Consulting Group. In 2022, he founded a   ecommerce. Department stores are a rather limited channel.
                              skincare import & distribution company
                              called Kosmos. Francois defines himself
                              as a curator, carefully selecting the right
                              product ranges based on market needs
                             but also forecasted skincare trends. From
                           French neo-apothecary solutions to Swiss-
                         made gentle  retinol  skincare  technology,
                     Francois has successfully launched several brands
          in Vietnam and is preparing to expand its portfolio to answer
          its  increasingly  specific  customer  requirements.  When  asked
          about his company’s strengths, Francois replies that it is with
          its speed of execution and multichannel approach that Kosmos
          has managed to expand to more than 300 points of sales by
          now and is expecting to double this number by the end of the
          year. Covering not only high-end spas & beauty stores but also
          supermarkets, social selling and e-commerce, Kosmos can design,
          develop and implement a multi-channel approach for brands   What is the current size and expected growth rate over the
          willing to expand in Vietnam. As the expert in the Vietnamese   next 5 years in the Vietnamese Spa and Salon market?
          market, we asked Francois some questions on the market.    The premium skincare market is expected to grow and get close to a
                                                                     billion EUR by 2030, becoming one of SEA largest. More specifically about
          What Factors Shape the Distribution of Beauty Standards in   spa, no official data is available on the market but we can reasonably
          Vietnam?                                                   expect a number of 2,000 to 3,000 premium spa using modern skincare
          With Vietnamese end-users beauty standards largely aspiring   & technology. With continuously increasing living standards and the rise
          to have a fair, flawless and bright skin, and ready to spend for it,   of the upper middle class, we see no reason why this market shall not
          beauty brands are competing strongly on a very dynamic market to   grow. As the service is by essence offline, it is unlikely to be threatened
          provide solutions for as many needs as acne solutions, pigmentation   by ecommerce. It is key for premium brands to be present on the spa
          correction or anti-aging… The main factors on which brands   market due to its stability and the strong habit of Vietnamese end-users
          are  competing  upon  is  first  on  their  products’  efficiency  (what   of going to treat their skin regularly (for example: an acne treatment
          results,  which  proofs  of  efficiency)  and  technicality  (which  active   would require a weekly or bi-weekly session for around 3 months, and
          ingredients – and whether they are need-specific, innovative in their   most affluent consumers have the habit to go to the spa monthly basis
          formulation, do not create undesired side effects…). But provided   for anti-pigmentation and anti-aging purposes).

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