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R R  E E  P P   O O  R R  T T

                                                                      Although there has been a shift and consumers are becoming
                                                                      more aware of what they put on their skin and are willing to pay
          The  demand  for  halal-certified  beauty  and  personal  care   more for premium ingredients, mass products still dominate
          products is growing rapidly in Malaysia, which comes as no   the market.
          surprise  given  Malaysia’s  predominantly  Muslim  population.
          The halal  cosmetics market  is expected  to grow  annually   Personal Care Comes Out on Top
          by around +12.9% by 2025. Malaysia’s government have        Like in most other countries of the MEA, the best performing
          undertaken important initiatives across regulation, trade, and   segment in Malaysia is Personal Care, which equates to a market
          industry in order to position themselves in the growing halal   volume of US$1.47bn in 2024. There are many opportunities
          cosmetics products market, which has had a positive effect on   to be found in this segment, with many consumers looking to
          growth for beauty and personal care, especially in areas such   expand their skin care routines to their whole body and seeking
          as halal-based products and sustainability (organic, eco and   products which are fortified with vitamins and ideally come in
          no-nasty products).                                         a serum format.
                                                                      Consumers are focusing on products with enhanced features
                                                                      that contain powerful and effective ingredients. This has led
                                                                      to a rapid surge in demand for skin care products containing
                                                                      Hyaluronic  Acid,  Niacinamide,  Glycolic  Acid,  Ceramide,  Cica
                                                                      with  these  ingredients  managing  to  capture  the  interest  of
                                                                      consumers thanks to successful dermatological tests.

          Online sales remain low compared to other markets which
          as mentioned above, means that brands with a strong online   The market is therefore likely to see the launch of more so-
          marketing strategy and the correct product positioning could   called skinutrition products – like the debut of Nivea and Nivea
          be hugely successful within this market. With the in-store   Men Extra Bright C & Hya skin care range, Nivea Bright White
          experience still very much a purchasing preference in Malaysia,   C&A Vitamin Lotion, Nivea Extra Bright 10 Super Vitamins &
          the success of beauty salons such as Sothys, Clarins, Caudalie,   Skin Food Lotion. This range uses the nutrients and vitamins
          Décleor, and Dermalogica are multiplying, as are international   contained in natural superfoods to provide skin care benefits.
          brands. Institutes and spas have a strong presence in hotels   However, this is still a very untapped market in Malaysia and
          and shopping centres, and it’s not uncommon for these to have   presents a great opportunity for brands to penetrate, especially
          a  dedicated  floor  where  consumers  can  find  everything  they   with the correct guidance.
          need under one roof.
                                                                      The Importance of Sustainability
                                                                      Sustainability  is a focus that is  common  across the world,
                                                                      especially when it comes to beauty. Consumers not only in
                                                                      Malaysia, but also across the globe, are becoming increasingly
                                                                      aware of the effects of certain ingredients on their skin and
                                                                      are educating themselves on how products can benefit their
                                                                      skin as well as how they impact the environment. With this in
                                                                      mind, brands who enter the market with clean, sustainable and
                                                                      natural claims to their brand and products will do well.

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