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R    E    P    O     R    T

                                                   bEyonD SUrFACE:

                                                   UnvEIlInG ThE

                                                   ComPlExITIES oF

                                                   bEAUTy DISTrIbUTIon

                                                   In vIETnAm

        VALÉRIE KAMINOV – BIOGRAPHY                Vietnam is rapidly emerging as a significant player in the beauty and personal care
       Trailblazer, entrepreneur, advisor and business   industry in Southeast Asia, notably expanding its e-commerce presence. Despite
       strategist are just some of the ways to describe   indications to the contrary, there’s a widespread  perception  that there might be
       Valérie Kaminov, Founder & Managing Director   a shift towards natural and organic ingredients, though current trends suggest a
         of International Luxury Brand Consultancy.   different direction. A quick look at the stats and upcoming trends gives insight into
          Valérie’s enviable reputation in the world   this booming market which, with the right guidance, could hold great potential for
        of international beauty, stems from her highly   brands looking to expand into new territories.
          effective approach to developing brands.
      Her forward-thinking acumen and smart strategies
      are based on an innate insight into global markets,
     an ability that has led her to take brands to up-and-
         coming beauty destinations before others.
       This deep understanding of the industry, how to
     position products, where to go, who to speak to and
      how to get results has made IL Brand Consultancy
        the go-to company for beauty brands looking
          to grow their business around the world.
        Since establishing her influential consultancy,
      Valérie has successfully steered emerging talents to
     global recognition, re-established well-known names,
       advised on growth plans and introduced a host
        of beauty brands to new distribution channels.
       She has been instrumental in the transformation
      of many businesses around the world and always
          on the belief that profitable market entry   An overview of the market and its consumers
       and sustained growth require the right partners.   Revenue for the beauty and personal care market in Vietnam is projected to reach
        It is why she is regarded as one of the most   US$2.66bn  by  2024  with  an  annual  growth  rate  of  2.97% (CAGR 2024-2028).  The
           well-connected people in the industry.   largest sector within the market is Personal Care with an estimated market volume of
         Having been at the forefront of the global   US$1.17bn in 2024. Furthermore, online sales in Vietnam are on the rise and growing
          cosmetics industry for over 25 years,    at pace, with 20.2% of all sales happening via a digital channel and is expected to rise
      Valerie’s thought leadership and knowledge have led   to nearly 28% by 2028.
      her to be a regular contributor to Export Magazine,
             creator of Connect Beauty, host       Vietnam: a vibrant market
       at the IMF Convention, developer of the Cannes   with a young population
        Duty Free programme as well as author of the
        informative market-focused Inside Cosmetics   Vietnam boasts of a young population
        Collection that have become required reading   which  makes for a dynamic market
          for brands looking at global expansion.   with 93% of 25-32 year olds reported
         From launching brands on the international   to be using skincare everyday.
       stage to being a business intelligence resource,
        Valérie’s rare combination of skills make her
           an exceptional consultant and advisor.
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