P. 55

R R  E E  P P   O O  R R  T T

          Consumers are aware of their appearance and are becoming    looks for themselves. As a result, US$174m worth of cosmetics
          highly educated, especially  where ingredients are concerned   were imported from South Korea in just the first seven months of
          with safety and good ingredients being the most dominant    2022, revealing just how popular K-beauty is with the Vietnamese.
          factors considered  by the Vietnamese consumer when         Although this monopoly of foreign brands leaves a lot of
          purchasing a product. Innisfree, MAC, 3CE, Olay and Pond’s lead   potential  in  the  beauty  industry  for  the  domestic  market,
          the way in terms of favorite brands in this age category.   domestic brands face challenges when it comes to successfully
                                                                      penetrating the market and will need to adapt to changing
                                                                      consumer behaviours and technological innovations.
                                                                      Premium brands are experiencing strong growth in Vietnam,
                                                                      with rates in excess of 10% being seen across the dermatological,
                                                                      skin care and deodorant categories as parents become more
                                                                      willing to invest in expensive, better quality products. Consumer
                                                                      awareness of the dangers surrounding cheap products bought
                                                                      online or via underground networks means they are more
                                                                      willing to spend on these premium products, particularly those
                                                                      which address skin care concerns such as acne and dark under
                                                                      eyes, as well as products with skin whitening properties.
                                                                      As only companies with a commercial registration certificate from
                               Dominated by K-Beauty, especially      local  Vietnamese  authorities  are  able  to  import  and  distribute
                               when it comes to the mass segment,     cosmetics in the region, it’s important that brands work with
                               online influencers in Vietnam empower   a partner who not only understands and is familiar with these
                               the consumer to become increasingly    complexities, but is also capable of navigating the country’s ever-
                               aware of what each product can do;     changing distribution landscape. With the right strategy and
                               for  not  only  their  skin  and  body  but   route to market, brands will find a lot of success in the Vietnamese
                               also their health. Online marketplaces   market, making this a worthwhile option to explore.
                               such as Shopee, Tiki.VN and Lazada,    All brands entering the Vietnamese market must comply
                               just to name a few, allow consumers    with  The  Ministry  of  Health  (MoH),  specifically  the  Drug
                               to experience the in-store experience   Administration of Vietnam (DAV), which is the central authority
                               from the comfort of their own home.    overseeing cosmetic regulations in Vietnam. Manufacturers
                               Stats reveal that 22% of vietnamese    and importers must obtain product registration from the MoH
                               consumers tune into live streaming     before legally marketing their cosmetic products in Vietnam.
          content  regularly,  with  influencers  such  as  Ho  Ngoc  Ha,  co-  This involves submitting detailed information on a product’s
          founder of M.O.I cosmetics, turning consumers attention to the   formulation, ingredients, labeling, and safety data.
          importance of natural and organic and educating consumers   Cosmetic product labels in Vietnam are regulated to provide
          on the impact of ingredients on their skin.                 consumers  with  clear and  accurate  information. The labels
          Imported and foreign brands continue to dominate the Vietnamese   must be in Vietnamese and should include the product name,
          market, with notable success stories from the US, Spain, France,   ingredients, usage instructions, and safety warnings.
          and Israel. Brands such as Paula’s Choice, Obagi, ZO Skin Health,   Special attention needs to be given to cosmetic products intended
          and Vivant Skincare exemplify this trend, as Vietnam represents   for  children  and  those  containing  specific  ingredients.  With
          one of their primary, if not the first, export markets. These brands   safety at the forefront of manufacturing but also a concern for
          are renowned for  their technical, science-based approaches   Vietnamese consumers, brands should seek expert advice on how
          to skincare, distinguishing themselves from natural or holistic   to successfully navigate the legislation before entering this market.
          products.  This  reflects  a  strong  preference  among  Vietnamese
          consumers  for  efficacy  and
          specialized formulations in their
          skincare choices.
          South Korean brands are also
          doing very well in this market due
          to the popularity of K-pop and
          Korean films, which are inspiring
          consumers to replicate K-beauty

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