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Nazih Group – as a pioneer of the beauty industry in
the GCC and MENA region, it is and always will be our
lifelong belief that Beauty is for each and every one
of us to define. Beauty is such an anomaly in a way portfolio aims to reinforce instead of BEAUTY BEHIND Beauty Professionals believed in their
capacity to not just influence consumer
encouraging people to nitpick on themselves.
that it exist pretty much everywhere, immeasurable, There is nothing wrong to desire beauty, to THE CHAIR. behaviour but actually drive change from
admire beautiful things, or to feel the need to
the comfort of their styling chairs and
ABDOU HAMAD with an unknown origin, a very fluid form and a be more beautiful than you already are. But Nazih Group couldn’t be more thankful for manicure tables.
its network of Salon Beauty Experts for the
what’s more important is that when you look at
Chief Commercial Officer - CCO the mirror, you’ll love what you see. Nazih significant role that they play in disseminating ROMANTICIZE
Nazih Group subjective definition. celebrates beauty of all shapes and forms. You information, promoting consumer BEAUTY THROUGH
Says that Nazih Group aims to provide don’t have to change yourself to fit into awareness, and influencing their decision- CONSUMER
making in many ways. Hairdressers, Skin
anybody else’s idea of beauty because your
its customers with the latest and finest existence alone is already a different kind of Therapists, Nail Technicians, and Beauty
quality products consistently. conforming to these unrealistic beauty BEAUTY Professionals alike debatably engage with EXPERIENCE.
standards. We acknowledge the fact that beauty that cannot be defined.
physical appearance can be deceptive and UNDEFINED. BEAUTY IS customers on a personal level than any Given that “high quality” at this day and age
other service-oriented profession and
BEAUTY IS that is why Nazih, through its brand campaigns, Beauty was never about numbers, or ECCENTRIC. therefore, they possess the ability and is already the baseline expectation, we
strive to convey a message that beauty needs
strive to create a refreshing vibe to secure
INNATE. to be appreciated and respected in all aspects. measurements, or unnecessary societal Nazih Group’s approach to beauty is opportunity to influence behaviour. Millions continuous success. Nazih encourages
of people regularly get their nails and
metrics. Beauty is internal as it is a birthright.
With the intention of being a positive external
Being in the industry for the past decades, we influence, Nazih takes it into careful Through the years, Nazih emerges as a channel eccentric – it’s self-serving, encouraging self- haircuts done in a salon and directly or brands, salons, beauty professionals, and
end-consumers alike to nurture like-minded
at Nazih have seen beauty standards come to consideration the kind of messaging and that strives for “proper” brand storytelling – validation rather than asking for it from other indirectly would come in contact with communities who are equally excited about
various environmental issues ranging from
life and evolve over time and in one way or content that was being pumped out across considering about the overall context, right people. Beauty exudes from within and large carbon footprint, product wastes, all things beauty, wellness, and the newest
another, we have contributed in the outspread social media platforms. An immense amount tone, reach, and target audience. If anything, nobody’s exempted from the laws of nature. water and energy consumption, toxic and innovation in the industry. We provide such
of this phenomena. More than just an onlooker, of effort is given to ensure that each and every Nazih possesses a deep understanding that After all, it is far more than any physical unethically-sourced ingredients in the platform for these shared experiences –
Nazih managed to carve out our own corner in campaign is aligned with the main goal which beauty originates from life itself and would attributes the society tries to shove down beauty products that they purchase or social media, retail stores, salons, and
the world of beauty and wellness. We is the diversification of beauty standards. And naturally evolve through various stages and everybody’s throats. Nazih prides itself in consume – putting Beauty Professionals in a wellness establishments. After all, we do
understand the societal pressure and this is why Nazih Group only partner with thus – can it truly be defined? Nazih recognizes putting together under one umbrella a wide position to influence and spread believe that beauty is also a form of
expectations to look, act, and behave a certain brands with the same moral standing and this and offers a straightforward solution to array of brands and products that are environmentally-conscious best practices. escapism. Anyone can tell from the uprising
way – to achieve an extraordinarily out-of-this- identity. Nazih through its platforms every concerns that its clientele wish to appreciative of one’s realness and uniqueness, Nazih have always acknowledged Salon of “beauty-from-within” inspired products
world level of put-togetherness, and the role it encourages an environment where consumers address at any given phase in their life. Since brands that doesn’t shy away from giving Professionals’ key role in educating wide reflected in the ingredients, packaging,
plays in one’s self-esteem and self-image – especially young impressionable people the views about beauty has been changing context to creases and rough edges, products variety of people. In the recent years, a messaging, up until the ethical
development. There is nothing inherently won’t necessarily compare themselves with constantly, Nazih took it upon ourselves as a that fuels the fire for each and every person to dramatic shift has been observed in the manufacturing practices – all of these “good
wrong with wanting to take good care of others and feel bad about it. Nazih places dedicated service provider to be the one who’s shine their brightest and be their most GCC market mainly the significant growth in feels” criteria can be linked to mood
yourself because after all, appearance in a way importance towards inclusivity – awareness adapting to the ever-changing needs of our confident, authentic self; beaming with glow consumers’ consciousness towards improvement as beauty regimens were
gives confidence and improves ones campaigns featuring people with distinct vast clientele. Nazih’s diverse Portfolio makes and happiness. The GOAL was never to sustainable, clean, and halal beauty. Heavily naturally mood-boosting activities. The rise
personality. While it is a natural instinct to look characteristics, of different body shapes, it accessible for people from various walks of duplicate someone else’s idea of beauty but to influenced by the “woke culture”,
presentable and beautiful, we do not condone sizes, ethnicities, and skin tone; always life. Because beauty, in its entirety, cannot be define it in your own terms. Nazih believes that Consumers, especially the younger
practicing a positive conversational tone to contained in one box only. We offer a limitless there isn’t one type of beauty that is superior or generations are now more vocal in
convey the message and addressing a wider possibility of how one would want to define inferior in comparison, in fact, comparison advocating environmentally-friendly
age range – truly understanding that beauty beauty for themselves – may it be on their hair shouldn’t even exist in the first place because behaviors on social media and are shifting
differs from person to person and from one care, nail care, skin care, self-care time, this is a tiresome competition that only sets preferences towards a healthier lifestyle.
culture to another. relaxation time at home alone or with a everyone for failure. Beauty is a thousand and
significant other, a salon appointment for a one dreams and opportunities unfolding right Nazih Group together with our committed
mother-daughter bonding, a father teaching before our very eyes. It’s a celebration of both Salon Partners are making progress
his son the basics to men grooming and how our similarities and uniqueness, an navigating towards this path. With the
to properly care for his beard – these are all amalgamation of past, present, and future, a support of our international brand partners,
beautiful moments that we, as a company, are concoction of different heritages with various Salon Professionals have become more
both directly and indirectly part of on a daily. personalities, hair types, and skin complexion. aware of the influence and impact they have
And that is why we are very keen and Beauty is and will always be whatever we say towards educating their salon customers –
meticulous in terms of partnering with Brands it is – it is everywhere and in everyone. Nazih’s from the routinely enquiries about potential
because we want to make sure the utmost driving that conversation of being fluid enough allergens in products, down to the
quality and end-consumer experience in the to fit and cater consumers’ needs instead of ingredients that would address a specific
products that we put out in the market. We the other way around. You don’t need to need, and whether or not a brand is clean,
mean to provide a feeling of pick-me-up, a change to fit a certain beauty standard, we sustainable, and or ethical in their practices
little bit of boost when you’re feeling less than want you to define beauty in your own terms. and production processes. It is key that
beautiful at any given day or time. Our diverse