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in  “sub-culture”  phenomena drives end-
          consumers to align their personality and
          personal aesthetics with the products that
          they buy and consume. Visiting and shopping
          in a physical cosmetics store provides that
          sense of escapism – ever wonder why you
          seemed to always “forget the time” when
          you’re inside a shopping store? Because you
          literally get to escape from reality and at times,
          the experience offers an opportunity to try out
          a new identity by means of trying or purchasing
          a certain product that is out-of-the-box for you
          on a normal day. That is the important role that
          physical stores play in our daily lives. The
          success of Nazih in this sector lies in these key   and reaches new customer sectors. Having a   WE AT NAZIH
          factors – we’re all about timely communication   diverse brand portfolio enabled Nazih to
          of relevant information about the brands/  achieve stability and increased market share,  GROUP, WISHES
          products that consumers love, our stores’   effectively demonstrating the power of strength   YOU COULD SEE
          brand portfolio provides a haven for product   in numbers.
          discovery, and we’re continuously testing                                    JUST HOW
          ways to improve shopper experience –  THE NAZIH                              BEAUTIFUL YOU
          ensuring that consumers are able to test and
          experience the  products through sampling,  PLEDGE.                          ALREADY ARE.
          self-guided consultations with the presence of                               All of us will age sooner or later. Allow yourself
          our Beauty Advisors or Brand Educators. We   Nazih Group pledges to be with you in every   to age gracefully. Later tonight as you hit your
          found this to be crucial in maintaining human   step of the way. However way you want to   bed and close your eyes, we want you to stop
          interaction while providing a sense of safety   take good care of yourself, we pledge to   nitpicking, internalizing, and second guessing
          and confidence. While e-commerce is also on   continuously enrich our Portfolio with brands   if the way you look needs fixing because you
          the  rise,  it  is  arguable  that  physically  testing   and products that will help you nurture your   don’t. To age is a privilege that many people,
          and trying on products in person is still an   natural beauty, reinforce your self-confidence,   unfortunately don’t even get to experience.
          irreplaceable luxe experience – a Beauty   and provide that safe space and enough room   Ageing reflects years of growth and shared
          Advisor talking you through the benefits of a   for individual creativity expression. Nazih then   experiences. This doesn’t mean though to not
          product while you test it, smell it, feel its   challenges you to actually question the   care about how you look; it’s just knowing
          texture, and observe real-time reaction against   purpose behind every beauty product you   you’re more empowered when you feel good
          your skin, sharing with you information you   purchase, every aesthetic procedures you   than when you look good. If anything, we at
          wouldn’t have known yourself  otherwise,   intend to have, and every tiny bit of tweaks you   Nazih pleads that you treat yourself with
          giving you tips and tricks – it’s about   wanted to change or improve about yourself   kindness. We want you to reach a certain
          romanticizing  the  physical  shopping  – ask yourself honestly, are these for your   stage where looking good falls below feeling
          experience. This creates a balanced customer   own benefits? Are you doing it for yourself or   great on the totem pole. The essence of human
          experience  across  the  physical  store  and   to appease the gaze of other people? At the   existence isn’t about pleasing the gaze of
          digital space wherein this two should   end of the day, this is not about which decision   others. As a company, we may currently have
          complement each other. UAE have become a   or reason is morally right or wrong but rather   fallen short on our Makeup portfolio but we
          hot spot for trendy places and simply stating   who’s going to benefit more from it and if it will   never took it as a weakness but rather as a
          that its undergone significant transformation   positively influence the way you see yourself.   competitive edge, a firm stand, a declaration
          would be an understatement. These trendy   Remember, self-love is doing something to   that beauty has to be cultivated from within –
          spots have become a magnet for beauty   yourself for yourself – may it be having a   that confidence can also radiate by going au
          services and are continuously evolving into a   meticulous skincare regimen, a weekly hair   naturale. But hey, if you love wearing makeup,
          more service and hospitality-driven scenes   care spa treats, a nail art refresh every two   go for it! You can be beautiful however you
          where customer experience is the name of   weeks,  a quick drop-in to your favourite   want to be and in ways that works for you. And
          game. This solidify the increasing need for   Barber for a hair and beard grooming, or   always remember to ask yourself who you’re
          brands to create or have their physical   building a go-to makeup collection that   doing it for. Breaking the cycle starts with you
          representation.  Nazih  understands  that  actually makes you feel beautiful, confident,   and it starts with us too. As we are all created
          enabling  tangible  store  experiences  and empowered on a daily. It’s the act of   uniquely, we see beauty differently and thus,
          strengthens brand awareness and loyalty,   honoring your own beauty and understanding   beauty is for you to define.
          improves customer  experience  and reinforce   on a deeper level that you are already worthy
          loyalty, enables expansion of product offerings,   of being celebrated.
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