P. 30


                                           cHromA SeNSe

                                 UNItING beAUtY WItH


             A new colour treatment offers three actions in one product

            CHROMA SENSE, a real colour-treatment
            comes from the Laboratori Revivre.
            Thanks to the active ingredients in the
            formula, the colouring service evolves
            into a restructuring treatment for a
            perfect result and healthy, shiny and
            full-bodied hair. ChromaSense is a 100
            ml colour-treatment that guarantees
            100% coverage of white hair, up to
            4 shades of lightening and delicate
            toning with full and luminous
            reflections. Its 67 shades let hair stylists
            express all their creativity.

                        comeS INto beING to
                        UNIte tHe coNcept         • PERMANENT COLOURING Permanent       chestnuts from certified organic
                        oF beAUtY WItH            colouring without ammonia that        agriculture. The specific composition
                        eco-SUStAINAbLe           guarantees 100% coverage of white     allows forming a film on the hair that can
                        coSmetIcS                 hair, up to 4 tones of lightening.    repair damage, closing the cuticle.
                        ECO PACKaging –           • TONE ON TONE Tone on tone to        The process prevents the loss of
                         recycled packaging and   gently colour in a range of full-bodied   moisture and therefore keeps the
                         with materials from a    and luminous reflections              hair more moisturized and healthy.
                         certified supply chain;   • TONER Shades ideal to neutralize and   • ORGANIC GREEN WALNUTS Thanks
                         ECO FORMULA – 100%       tonalize unwanted reflections         to its phytocomplex, the extract of Green
                         vegan, 85% of natural    or to create pastel effects.          Walnuts can effectively interact with the
                          ingredients, ORGANIC    A unique range of colour that can be   hair and its antioxidant action leaves the
                          active ingredients,     personalized according to the clients’   hair more protected, even after rinsing.
                          without ammonia, ppd    requirements and the type of hair.    This is long-term protection as the hair
                          or resorcinol;          3 different results, 3 impeccable     keeps a high antioxidant power for
                          ECO PRODUCTIVITy –      results with only 1product!           several days, reducing over time the loss
                          the product is made with                                      of the cosmetic colour due to external
                           100% materials made in   tHe beNeFItS oF tHe                 agents (UV, smog, hot instruments).
                           Italy, from a controlled   “coLoUrING treAtmeNt”             • HYALURONIC ACID The molecules
                          supply chain which uses   We strongly wanted a colouring that   which form hyaluronic acid are able to
            sources from sustainable energy.      was also a “treatment” because this is   bind themselves to the cells the hair is
                                                  the first CREDO of Revivre.           made of. This means that its essential
            tHe INNoVAtIoN oF tHe coLoUr          There are three main active ingredients   function, i.e. to keep the cells hydrated,
            SerVIce IN tHe SALoN                  that make CHROMA SENSE both a         remains unchanged both on the skin
            ChromaSense is colouring with a TRIPLE   moment of beauty and well-being for   and on the hair. The hair will look
            ACTION. Based on the ratio of mixing, 3   the hair as well.                 more nourished, the shaft will regain
            different COLOURING SERVICES can be   • ORGANIC CHESTNUTS The active        compactness and strength and will also
            developed with A SINGLE product:      ingredient is obtained from Italian   gain in suppleness and shine.

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