Page 103 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 103


          Ever since we were kids, we’ve spent our time between   on contrast, from the packaging to the fragrances
          our father’s laboratory and the family’s production, so at   to  the  story  behind  our  project.  Most  probably  thing
          some point you start to memorize some of these essences   that shaped GLEAM is in these differences between us.
          you see your parents work with, and somehow associate   Surprisingly,  it’s  not  only  a  source  of  discussions  but
          them with things in your daily life. However, we wouldn’t   also the way to have more points of view on the same
          claim to have an innate olfactory predisposition; instead,   project.
          we think we were fortunate enough to develop this sense
          more than others during our childhood.           EM:  GLeAM  stands  out,  starting with  its  name,
                                                           from the other fragrances in the Gritti Venetia
          EM: How did your family react when you told them   brand. Does this also indicate a desire to attract a
          about your plans for your own brand?             different target audience?
          L&M:  Our  family  has  always fostered  creativity  and   L&M: No need to say the Gritti Venetia brand is of great
          encouraged us to dream big.  Simultaneously, both of   importance to us; it is part of our heritage and has, in
          our parents instilled in us the value of determination   many ways, assisted us in creating GLEAM. However, we
          and staying focused to realize our aspirations. Hence,   aim to reach not necessarily a different but a broader
          when we made the decision to embark on this project,   target audience. It’s not about age; the main difference
          they provided both support and guidance.         is  the  approach.  Our  clients  look  for  different,  more
          Ludovica adds, I can still recall our father telling us that   immediate and “familiar” olfactive experience: GLEAM
          if we wanted his backing for this project, we needed to   is the way to choose your character for a day – or create
          develop a clear idea of how it should be. “The world is   one for a special occasion.
          just full of good perfumes. Keep in mind you never sell
          a commercial product; propose something that makes   EM:  Do you think of being the part of family-run
          people dream”.                                   company as an advantage?
                                                           L&M: More than advantage, it is a privilege and unique
          EM:  How does the experience of growing up       occasion to have our mentor’s number saved as “Dad”
          together influence the way you work?             in cell phone (laugh). We are lucky to work with and
          L&M:  We share common ground, but when it comes   learn from an amazing team, which gives us a strong
          to style, taste, character and, surely, working attitude   foundation to  bring  our  vision to  life in the best way
          we are completely different. This is why GLEAM thrives   possible.
                                                                                                Claudia Stagno
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