Page 110 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 110


         ANTHOLOGIE by



                                                                               launch a universal message of love, telling its story and
                                                                               celebrating it, in all its facets and dimensions.” This was
                                                                               the basis of the idea, with the patronage of the Italian
                                                                               Union  of  the  Blind  and  Partially  Sighted,  to  add  an
                                                                               inclusive language, through the use of Braille, with the
                                                                               aim of giving a universal translation of the fragrances.

                                                                               The  line  is  composed  of  Eight  wonderful  Eau  de
                                                                               Parfum. Fragrances that represent his voice, strong
                                                                               but  at the  same time delicate. Hymns  to  love and
                                                                               renewal, understood as forces that move the
                                                                               universe.  Fragrances  which,  through  the  finest
                                                                               perfumed raw materials, design his idea of perfumery
                                                                               in total creative freedom. From the rediscovered
                                                                               association between Lucien Ferrero and Jean-Claude
                                                                               Ellena, come the new fragrances: C’est Mutine and
                                                                               C’est Rebelle. Eloquent names to evoke that rebellious
                                                                               and revolutionary spirit that has always distinguished
                             After devoting most of this life to creating fragrances,   them in their artistic production, together with the
                             in his career of 46 years, the Master perfumer Lucien   will to evoke once again the Belle Parfumerie to which
                             Ferrero  brings  all  his  experience  and  his  endless   both contributed to building up.
                             creativity together in his own brand, which becomes
                             a container of his sensitivity and his inspirations:   Coherent with this attitude and  these values, the
                             Anthologie  by  Lucien  Ferrero.  The  brand  came  into   whole collection by the Master Perfumer Lucien
                             being in 2019 but it was in the renewed collaboration   Ferrero changes its image and comes under the
                             with his long-term friend and colleague Jean-Claude   new  name  of  “Anthologie  by  Lucien  Ferrero”,  with
                             Ellena that the brand makes a further evolution. The   its literal meaning: an ANTHOLOGIE is the collection
                             careers  of  the  two  Master  Perfumers  once  again   of the best works of an author or an artist. This
                             cross  paths after  40  years,  for  a  project of 4 hands   project is not only creative but also sustainable. The
                             which, thanks to their uncontainable creativity and   packaging has been redesigned with FSC™ certified
                             undisputed experience, could lead to a new olfactory   paper, containing 40% of recycled post consumption
                             culture, based on breaking down barriers and borders.  paper, rough and with a sensory texture that gives
                             Roberto Drago, CEO of Kaon, smiles behind the     it  a  unique  effect.  A  clear  reference  to  the  great
                             scenes: “It is a real pleasure to see the two noses work   love of the master for natural raw ingredients, the
                             together in a completely free way and giving rise to a   undisputed  stars  of  his  creations,  in  a  refined  and
                             brand which, with its contemporary design, aims to   minimalist bottle.

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