Page 55 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 55

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                                                                                   Inspired cosmetics…

                                                                                       Sentéales shakes up accepted paradigms,
        P ho t o g r a p h y   :   © S o u p   S t u d i o                         The laboratory has created an exceptional, desirable
                                                                                     (re)balancing nature and luxury, efficiency and
                                                                                        hedonism, science and conscience…

                                                                                   and eco-designed product, more than ever before
                                                                                     combining effectiveness and sensory appeal.

                                                                                 The Laboratory excels in the art of blending carefully
                                                                                  selected completely natural active plant ingredients

                                                                                     and essential oils to create kind products of
                                                                                          unrivalled naturalness, meeting
                                                                                           the needs of every skin type.

                                                     I N G R E D I E N T S
                                                      O F N A T U R A L O R I G I N

                                 11 rue du Colisée - 75008 Paris - FRANCE - Tel. : +33 (0)1 55 37 03 11 -
                                                 www.s e nte al e s .c om
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