Page 53 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 53


          KOMBUCHA TEA
          BiO-FeRMeNTeD TeA
          Cutting-edge cosmetic research has succeeded
          in extracting an active concentrate from bio-
          fermented black tea kombucha that retains its rich
          content of functional substances. Fermentation
          is a natural booster, a powerful natural process
          that  transforms  ingredients  making  them  richer  in
          functional substances: B Group Vitamins, Vitamin
          C, Antioxidant Catechins that strengthen the skin’s
          defences and visibly improve its quality while
          brightening the complexion. This cream is infused
          with  anti-pollution-tested  black  tea, hydrating
          hyaluronic acid and a concentrate of kombucha and
          epigallocatechins (EGCG) - the powerful antioxidants
          from  tea leaves. These  active  ingredients  work
          in synergy to fight signs of aging, nourish the skin
          and  stimulate  collagen  production  with  a  clinically
          proven  filler  effect.  BOOSTING  SUSTAINABILITY:
          With the launch of the new Kombucha line we are
          taking a further step towards the reduction of our
          environmental impact and drastically reduce the
          production  of  packaging.  Our  glass  jar  has  been
          renewed  and  becomes  even  more  sustainable
          thanks to the refill mechanism that allows to easily
          replace the inner pot and separate it from the glass   Global Distribution
          jar  for  reuse  and  effective  waste  collection.  An   Teaology  Skincare’s  global  distribution
          opportunity for a sustainable and conscious choice   network is truly impressive, spanning across
          for the all consumers, without penalizing luxury.   approximately 30 countries and various
                                                              channels. From perfumery and department
          iT’s CleanBeauTeA TiMe                              stores  to  pharmacies  and  high  street
          also iN DUTY FRee sHOPs                             drugstores, Teaology Skincare products can

          One area where this trend has lately found way to   be found at a wide range of locations proving
          express is in the Duty-Free and Travel Retail Market   that the Clean Beauty trend is strong and very
          where merchandising spaces dedicated to clean,      close to all consumers worldwide.
          green  and  natural beauty  products have been
          created in all major cosmetic retail areas in airports
                                                           worldwide.  Additionally,  the  duty-free  market  is
                                                           often seen as a more exclusive and upscale shopping
                                                           experience, which may appeal to consumers who are
                                                           looking for innovative high-quality, natural products.
                                                           Teaology has grown  as an  important player in  the
                                                           clean beauty offer also in DF and TR and is now present
                                                           in duty free shops at over 20 of the major European
                                                           international airports including: Amsterdam, Berlin,
                                                           Dresden, Frankfurt, Munich, Rome, Warsaw, Venice,
                                                           Vienna. A new important milestone for Teaology and
                                                           a recognition of the Italian cosmetic excellence.
                                                           Teaology will be exhibiting at TFwe Cannes,                      51
                                                           1-5 October 2023, stand RC7 Riviera Village.
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