P. 125
EM: How important is the material in the POS to
attract consumers?
lD’A: The material at the POS is extremely important
to attract consumers. Eye-catching and informative
well-organized displays can make the difference in
influencing the purchase decisions. MIA Cosmetics uses
innovative display solutions which allow the consumer
to choose from a vast range of products, constantly
enriched by new launches and seasonal collections. A
positive purchase experience, which from the visual and of consolidating our presence in the Middle East and
sensory points of view, involves the clients, contributes expanding business opportunities with new partners.
to building up trust in and loyalty to the brand. In the same way, Beauty Istanbul, a strategic global
crossroads, offers us the opportunity to reinforce
EM: What is your communication strategy? markets in Eastern Europe, Asia and the Middle East. As
lD’A: The communication strategy of MIA Cosmetics is far as North, central and South America are concerned,
based on different key elements: in January 2024 we will take part for the second time in
Firstly, the brand identity; the pay-off “Your Italian Cosmoprof North America in Miami. Our offer will be even
Beauty” clearly communicates the values of the brand, more complete, thanks to the experience consolidated
rooted in Italy and its mission to celebrate authentic in the regulatory and logistics sectors, fundamental
and inclusive beauty. Secondly, we are multi-channel; to approach these markets. In addition, the process of
the use of various channels of communication, including development is supported by continuous investments
social media, traditional advertising, influencer in product innovation and the adoption of increasingly
marketing and participation in trade events, to reach a newer and flexible technical display solutions, capable of
wide and diversified public. Thirdly, there is the quality meeting the needs of our customers. Claudia Stagno
of contents; the creation of informative contents that
inspire and educate the consumer on the benefits of the
products and on the latest trends in the beauty sector.
Then, fourthly, we are close to the community: we actively
listen to the needs of our clients and are involved with
them through feedback and interactions on the social
media, to build up a faithful and satisfied community.
Lastly, we have strategic collaborations, partnerships
with make-up artists, dealers and international
distributors to strengthen the presence of the brand and
align the group’s objectives with those of individuals.
EM: What is and what will be your plan of
lD’A: Our plan of development is marked by our
attendance at cosmetic trade fairs all over the world. This
year we have confirmed once again our participation
in Beautyworld Middle East in Dubai, with the aim