P. 126
Vanilla around the world Home fragrance diffusers
La Maison de la Vanille, founded in 1994 by Aldo bielli, a A new collection of home fragrance diffusers by La
skilled oenologist and perfumer, is a fragrance house Maison de la Vanille has been designed to elevate
dedicated to exploring the rich and diverse nuances your space with delicate scents. Whether you
of vanilla. It crafts unique perfumes that celebrate want to create a calming, energizing, or refined
the many facets of vanilla, inspired by its origins and atmosphere, La Maison de la Vanille diffusers offer a
journey around the world. The collections, including variety of captivating fragrances, from delicate floral
Vanille des Origines, Vanille Continental, and Absolu accords to woody and spicy notes, as well as warm,
d’Orient, embody the essence of vanilla in all its comforting aromas. Immerse yourself in a unique
diversity, offering refined and captivating fragrances olfactory experience where each diffuser becomes
that transport the senses. a true gem for your home, adding a touch of luxury
and comfort to your everyday life.
«Vanilla took me around the world. The glass bottles
From these distant shores, I retained enhance the aesthetics
the soft, the wild, the caught in flight, of your space, seamlessly
blending with any interior
the fresh, the suave and the mystery. style, whether modern,
Then I closed my eyes and imagined…» classic, or minimalist.
A home fragrance diffuser
Aldo bielli, oenologist and perfumer, founder of La Maison de la Vanille effortlessly fills your
space with a continuous,
building on the company’s gentle aroma, creating
expertise and passion for a welcoming and
the art of perfumery, it soothing ambiance
now aims to expand its without the need for
range by introducing home flames or electricity.
fragrances. These new
creations, crafted with the In the collection
same care and attention Madagascar, the Antilles and Tahiti evoke the rich,
as the brand’s personal exotic and warm aromas of vanilla with deep and
perfumes, will bring a sensual notes. belle rencontre en Provence, Nuit à
touch of elegance to your Salzburg and Noir Toscane pair vanilla with fresh
living spaces, filling each accords, where vanilla mingles with the regions’
room with exquisite scents floral notes. Vanille Oud, Vanille Patchouli and Vanille
that create a warm and Orchidée noire: a powerful marriage offering a rich,
inviting atmosphere. woody, and mesmerizing composition.