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                       COMES INTO BEING!

             INtERVIEW WItH                                                               have launched the operations of fragrance
             ROBERTO BOTTINO,                                                             mixing, macerating and filling on behalf of
             CEO ANCOROttI GROUP                                                          some important international players, first

             EXPORT MAGAZINE:  tell us something                                          of all EuroItalia - our strategic partner in
             about the company and what made                                              this new adventure. The medium-term aim
             you take this important step…                                                is to be able to carry out a complete ‘full
             ROBERtO  BOttINO:  2024  will  be  an                                        service’ activity like we do for make-up and
             extremely  positive  year  for  Ancorotti                                    skincare  products,  with  the  creation  of  a
             Cosmetics, with a turnover that will exceed                                  team of marketing specialists to support in
             150  million  euros.  This  is  a  considerable                              the best way possible the sales activities of
             growth,  about  35%  compared  to  the                                       our partners.
             previous year – which had recorded another
             +30%. We are going through a crucial period                                  EM:  Why has your interest gone
             of two years in the history of our company,                                  towards the sector of fragrances?
             marked  by  a  rapid  expansion  supported                                   RB:  The  market  of  fragrances,  which
             by more than 20 million of investments for                                   currently  represents  about  30%  of  global
             the creation of innovative projects, aimed                                   cosmetics,  in  recent  years  and  especially
             at  boosting  our  production  capacity  and   ROBERTO BOTTINO,              last year showed a considerable dynamism.
             optimizing our performances. Historically,   CEO ANCOROTTI GROUP             In  particular,  an  increase  in  the  segment
             our business has always been focused on                                      of  niche  perfumery  was  recorded  which,
             make-up  and  on  mascara  in  particular,                                   in  Italy  as  well,  boasts  several  globally
             of which we are the first producers in the   by expanding into new product segments.   successful  brands.  We  have  therefore  felt
             world.  Over  25%  of  the  mascara  on  the   While Ancorotti Cosmetics has traditionally   that this was the ideal time to explore new
             international market is ‘Made-in-Ancorotti’   been  known  as  a  leading  makeup   opportunities  in  this  sector,  benefitting
             and in the EMEA area and North America,   manufacturing  company,  in  recent  years   from  the  solid  reputation  of  Ancorotti
             more  than  half  of  the  mascara  made  in   we have also been working on skincare and,   Cosmetics  in  the  international  beauty
             outsourcing comes from our factory. If we   starting this September, we are excited to   industry. The next step, on the other hand,
             stacked all the tubes that we can fill in one   further diversify our offerings by entering   will  be  to  boost  the  wider  segment,  i.e.
             year, we would have covered more than the   the  fragrance  market  as  well.  With  the   that  of  skin,  hair  and  body  care.  We  are
             distance between the North Pole and the   recent  foundation  of  Ancorotti  Perfumes,   evaluating different plans of growth, both
             South Pole! Leveraging this leadership, we   housed in a 5,000-square-meter facility we   internally and externally, with the aim of
             are now looking to accelerate our growth   own right next to Ancorotti Cosmetics, we   implementing our offer on a 360° basis.

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