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this asset and the restoration that we
have done, have allowed us to expand
our productive surface area without
consuming new ground, reducing energy
consumption and emissions at the same
time. With Ancorotti Perfumes we have
further extended the project, occupying
another part of the same area. For us,
green manufacturing means giving new life
to what already exists, avoiding wasting
new resources. We have transformed an
urban wound into a sustainable factory,
which respects the environment and the
The debut in September community, improving the safety and
quality of work.
alongside its big sister, EM: What are the most significant
Ancorotti Cosmetics assets for your Group?
RB: Certainly the fact of being an
entrepreneurial company linked to Renato
The strategy is simple: to capitalize on them is definitely one of the winning factors Ancorotti, an absolutely outstanding figure
the favorable market conditions and the why they choose us as partners. However, on the scene of international contract
momentum within our company to drive it is also with automation, optimization manufacturing, has given a distinctive
continued growth... We are still relatively and therefore efficiency that markets are imprinting to the way we do business. Our
young compared to other industry players, conquered. We are rapid, flexible, always activity is based on very precise values
with great potential to unlock. present and ready to anticipate the needs — which are non-negotiable for us —
of the final consumer, as well in terms of including the dedication and enthusiasm
EM: What is the potential of Ancorotti sustainability. of every team member, regardless of their
Profumi? role within the company. Only this way
RB: This new company will already be EM: How are you moving in the area of can ambitious goals be reached, and this
capable of producing between 40 and 50 sustainability and the environment? is definitely a great asset, although an
million pieces per year, reaching a solid RB: Implementing sustainable development intangible one. Internationalization is
and important turnover from the very is an integral part of our corporate another fundamental. Almost 90% of our
first year, thanks to the strategic alliances responsibility and it is a commitment turnover is generated from sales abroad;
I was speaking about earlier. We can count that we take very seriously indeed. We the United States are a market of reference
on a modern, digitized, efficient factory, have adopted numerous measures, as the EMEA zone always has been for us.
with highly advanced machinery and from the exclusive use of energy from The future target will be the Far East, where
technology. renewable sources to joining the DHL Go a young company with a great potential
Green programme for the insetting of the like ours certainly has a lot of space to
EM: Moreover, all the best companies emissions generated by our transport. explore – markets where we are already
that produce private label make-up, present through our clients, who distribute
including yours, have used technology to The most representative example of our all over the world. Lastly, we strongly
be a cut above the rest, as well as other environmental philosophy is without a believe in the value of ‘Made in Italy’, which
characteristics including creativity. doubt the recovery of the former Olivetti makes a great difference in this business
RB: Creativity and the capacity to innovate typewriter factory in Crema. This building and not only in this one. We Italians are
are important skills that are at the base of 30,000 square metres, designed in the amongst the best, if not the best; it is a pity
of our activity. Brands expect more 1960s by Marco Zanuso and Renzo Piano, that sometimes we cannot communicate
and more from us; they are looking for had been abandoned for decades although it with sufficient conviction. It is as though
external input, especially in terms of ‘wild it had marked Italian industrial history. The the success we have from one continent to
innovation’, and being able to give it to decision by Renato Ancorotti to purchase another almost surprises us…