P. 136


          EM: For years perfumery has been the
          prerogative of  our neighbour  France,
          so do you think that Italy and ‘Made
          in  Italy’  has  cards  to  play  even  in  the
          sector of alcoholic perfumery, as well as
          in make-up?
          RB:  Excellence  knows  no  boundaries,
          and  we  take  pride  in  our  Italian  identity.
          Italian  craftsmanship  is  gaining  increasing
          recognition not only in makeup but across   EM:  An  element  of  great  surprise,   the same time to strengthen our bond with
          various   cosmetic   categories.   Without   ever since the foundation  of  Ancorotti   the  local  community.  I  invite  everyone  to
          taking  anything  away  from  our  French   Cosmetics, is the company’s investment   drop in on the next edition.
          counterparts — and I say this with firsthand   in human resources.
          experience,  having  spent  many  years  of   RB:  Investing  in  people  is  a  priority  for   EM:  Allow us to mention something
          my career in France — I firmly believe that   us:  with  the  start  of  the  new  business  of   about  yourself,  that  would  require  a
          Italy  has  earned  a  stellar  reputation  for   fragrances,  this  year  the  Ancorotti  Group   chapter of  its own.  You  were born  in
         innovation  and  professionalism  in  the   will count 600 employees ad collaborators.   turin, than catapulted as a young man
         beauty  and  personal  care  industry.  The   Considering also the galaxy of local suppliers   into the Parisian world with roles of top
         world is changing, and this is how our idea   who  gravitate  around  our  business,  we   management in the world of cosmetics,
         of building a platform that catalyses the all-  mobilize  about  a  thousand  workers.   a  brilliant  career  in  important  Groups
         round  concept  of  ‘Made  in  Italy’  including   Imagine the social impact in a city like ours,   with  cosmetic  brands  operating  in
         alcoholic  perfumery  and  care  came  into   Crema, which has 35,000 inhabitants.   various  distribution  channels,  for  two
         being, bringing together Italian excellence in   This leads us to be even more aware of our   years you have put your vast experience
         every area of this sector.              corporate  responsibility  and  proud  of  the   in  the world  of  brands  for an  Italian
                                                 international interest we attract.      company in the private label business.
         EM: Is communication important?         The Crema Beauty Days event, which made   Do you think that the fact of  knowing
         RB: It is essential, especially from the point   its debut in the last weekend of September,   the two sides of  the business is an
         of  view  of  quality,  as  well  as  of  quantity;   was evidence of this, offering us and other   advantage?
         we  want  to  convey  our  ‘expertise’  and  our   companies of the Lombard Beauty Valley an   RB: I think so, it is no coincidence that other
         positive  and  optimistic  approach  towards   occasion to celebrate our excellence in front   former colleagues from the world of brands
         the market.                             of an international audience, allowing us at   are  today  at  the  head  of  other  groups  in
                                                                                         the  private  label  sector.  When  you  come
                                                                                         from brands, you probably tend to interpret
                                                                                         more easily the needs of clients.
                                                                                         This is why I usually suggest to teams, even
                                                                                         before  examining  the  characteristics  of  a
                                                                                         brief, to attentively analyse the positioning
                                                                                         of the brand.
                                                                                         This fully comprehensive approach makes us
                                                                                         a sparring partner, and not just a supplier.
                                                                                         Studying  the  projects  in  the  medium-  and
                                                                                         long-term  allows  a  broader  interpretation
                                                                                         of  the  market.  Lastly,  our  leadership  in
                                                                                         some product categories, such as mascara,
                                                                                         allows us to have a transversal vision over
                                                                                         a varied portfolio, from the indie brands to
                                                                                         pharmacy brands, from the mass market to
                                                                                         the luxury segment.
                                                                                         A vision that the brands, having a specific
                                                                                         target, cannot have in full.
                                                                                                                   Claudia Stagno
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