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          client  and  each  local  market.  This  allows   Sustainability is not only an obligations, but   to  remain  competitive  and  to  anticipate
          us  to  offer  made-to-measure  solutions,   a strategic choice which guides every design   the  market  trend,  offering  our  clients
          perfectly in line with the cultural, commercial   and  operative  decision.  Furthermore,   highly advanced solutions which efficiently
          and  logistic  expectations  of  each  region.   HENOTO undertakes to promote a “shared   meet  their  requirements.  Ultimately,  our
          Operating  in  different  geographical  areas,   vision  of  the  future,”  where  innovation   capacity  to  innovate  is  fundamental  to
          from the European continent to the United   and  tradition  meet  to  create  sustainable,   adapt  traditional  systems  and  materials
          States,  from  China  to  the  United  Arab   functional and high quality solutions.   to the new challenges of the global market,
          Emirates, we can combine our international   This  approach  allows  highlighting  Italian   keeping high standards of quality and fully
          experience with a localized approach which   design  in  a  global  context,  at  the  same   satisfying the expectations of our clients.
          gives  value  to  the  peculiarities  of  each   time keeping a strong commitment to the
          market.  Our  flexible  operating  model  and   protection of the environment.  EM:  In  addition  to  your  business
          the presence of highly qualified local teams   With  constant  attention  to  sustainable   as a contractor, does HENOtO also
          allow us to provide a personalized service,   practices and a proactive approach in the   offer  other  services  to  the  company
          keeping  at  the  same  time  high  standards   search for new solutions, HENOTO confirms   branches you address?
          of  quality  and  innovation  that  make  us   its will to be a responsible and innovative   lG:  Yes,  HENOTO  offers  a  wide  range  of
          stand out at global level. This allows us to   leader  in  the  sector,  always  oriented   services  in  addition  to  the  traditional
          meet the needs of our clients efficiently and   towards  a  greener  and  more  sustainable   contractor activities. The company works
          punctually, independently of their location.  future.                          in  different  sectors,  including  Temporary
                                                                                         Structures,  Contract,  Retail  and  Sport
                                                                                         Technologies,  providing  customized  and
                                                                                         innovative  solutions  which  meet  the
                                                                                         specific requirements of each sector.
                                                                                         With  the  adoption  of  the  extended
                                                                                         company,  HENOTO  can  offer  complete
                                                                                         control  over  all  the  operative  phases  of
                                                                                         the contracts.
                                                                                         This  model  integrates  a  supply  chain  of
                                                                                         its  own  and  the  use  of  4.0  technologies,
                                                                                         allowing keeping widespread and constant
                                                                                         control  over  every  phase  of  the  process,
          EM:  How  important  is  it  for  a  general   EM: How much of this depends on the   from  design  to  production  and  final
          contractor like HENOtO to carry on     will and capacity to innovate traditional   installation.  Furthermore,  thanks  to  our
          every possible initiative concerning   systems and materials?                  consolidated  experience  and  a  global
          sustainability and the environment?    lG:  The  ability  to  meet  the  needs  of  our   network  of  20  offices  in  Europe,  the  USA,
          lG: For HENOTO, sustainability and respect   clients  depends  to  a  great  extent  on  our   China,  the  United  Arab  Emirates,  we  are
          for  the  environment  are  fundamental  and   will and ability to innovate constantly both   able  to  manage  complex  projects  in  any
          strategic  values.  The  company  undertakes   in the systems and the materials used.   part  of  the  world,  guaranteeing  high
          to  integrate  sustainable  solutions  in   For  HENOTO,  innovation  is  not  only  a   standards  of  quality  and  competence.
          every  project,  adopting  a  responsible  and   choice, but a strategic necessity that guides   In  2023,  the  Group  preached  a  turnover
          innovative  approach  in  all  the  operative   every aspect of our work. We have adopted   of  over  euro  100  million,  in  the  sector  of
          phases.  This  commitment  is  translated   a  proactive  approach  to  innovation,   installation alone, with this figure growing
          into  the  use  of  recyclable  materials  in  the   integrating advanced technologies and 4.0   compared to previous years, and managed
          reduction of energy consumption and in the   production systems to improve efficiency,   more than 200 events at worldwide level.
          implementation  of  advanced  technologies   reduce  the  environmental  impact  and   These  results  prove  the  commitment  of
          of  4.0  industry.  Every  project  by  HENOTO,   offer  increasingly  customized  solutions.   HENOTO not only in providing contractor’s
          which  ranges  from  exhibition  installations   Innovating  also  means  exploring  new   solutions,  but  also  in  supporting  its
          to  temporary  structures,  from  retail   materials that are sustainable, recoverable   clients  with  complete  services  which  go
          spaces to sports technologies, is conceived   and  recyclable,  without  compromising   from  design  to  final  creation,  always
          to  minimize  the  environmental  impact,   quality and functionality.         guaranteeing the maximum efficiency and
          actively  contributing  to  saving  our  planet.   This  commitment  to  innovation  allows  us   quality in every project.
                                                                                                                   Claudia Stagno
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