P. 18
Just few weeks after the official inauguration of the new creative hub of the renowned
French fragrance house, architect Alberto Re and MANE perfumer Cristiano Canali
reveal the secrets of a project that embodies Milanese Italianity, balancing elegance and
functionality. The MANE project fits into the contemporary era of space design, where
materials’ aesthetics and essence become functional to an efficient creative process.
elevating the material-functional dimension. It’s a unique combination
of rationality, minimalism, and aesthetics.
EM: Cristiano, as a perfumer, how do you find working in this
new space?
CRIStIANO CANAlI: It’s perfect for our work. It’s not only a
welcoming space for clients but also extremely functional for the
team. Having my closest collaborators next to me, separated only
by glass walls, makes the workflow very smooth and efficient. The
glass acts as an insulator from odour contamination, without
hindering the creative flow in any way. And there’s the magic of
being able to share every step of the creative process with clients,
from brainstorming to the actual creation of the fragrance.
Cristiano Canali and Alberto Re
EM: What aspects of this space do you
EXPORT MAGAZINE: Alberto, can you tell us about the concept find most inspiring?
behind the new MANE creative center? CC: The brightness is essential, allowing
AlBERtO RE: When I started working on the concept, the main idea creative energy to flow freely, without
was to transform the lab into a space that wasn’t the usual “organo distractions. The terrace, with its small
à parfum.” I wanted something different: the idea of an archive, a botanical garden of Italian ingredients, is a
library, where the creative process could be visible and accessible. great source of inspiration, supporting our
In this way, the operator is no longer hidden but protected and, at mission to enhance local heritage. Lastly,
the same time, interacting. This creates a unique receptive space the proximity and visual openness of the
where there is a continuous exchange between the ones who have individual spaces foster efficient reactions
the creative idea and those who have to bring it to life. to creative stimuli, which is necessary to
remain competitive in the industry.
EM: How does the architecture of the space promote this
‘receptivity’ of the environment? EM: Cristiano, Alberto, lastly what
AR: The layout of the space was designed to encourage interaction. makes this space unique?
The perimeter is surrounded by glass, allowing continuous visual CC: It’s a living, vibrant space that fosters
communication without solid barriers. From the executive office to the creativity of those who inhabit it and
the lab, passing through the meeting room, all the spaces “face” those who pass through it. The play between
each other and can interact with one another. light and shadow, transparency and opacity
creates a unique synergy, simulating what
EM: Did you choose specific materials for this project? happens in the creation of a fragrance.
AR: Yes, the choice of materials was crucial. I chose simplicity as a guiding AR: This space was designed to be receptive
principle, focusing on elegance and functionality. For example, the in every sense. The balance between materials and volumes allows
apparent hardness of the dark, matte metal contrasts perfectly with the the perfect combination of elegance and functionality.
transparency of the glass, creating a harmonious balance. This choice There are no structural constraints, the space can change form and
also reflects the essence of the building hosting the new creative center, easily return to its original shape without ever losing its identity.
Claudia Stagno