Page 24 - Export Magazine
P. 24
The new 2023 collection by ALTER Ego ITALy
The y.o.u. collection features four
looks and most significantly four
women, who introduce themselves
with their words and their images.
Impulsive and vivacious but sensitive,
IRENE is always looking for new ways to
be herself. The warm chestnut colour is
enriched by iridescent sheens, making
it bright and in harmony, thanks to the
combination of tones. The style is cut,
layered and disconnected; the fringe
adds character to this style.
SALLy is smart, irreverent, lively and
creative. The colour matches with her
explosively curly hair: magenta is
the hottest shade chosen. Every
lock is styled individually
to enhance the natural
qualities of the curl.
cINzIA is a strong,
self-assertive woman
whose style reveals
her successes and
her failings. The alternative
shades of colour create effects as
effervescent as this lively, colourful
spirit, who is bursting with energy.
She expresses creativity also in her style:
no matter how she moves her hair,
the results are always original.
uRSuLA lives her life freely thanks to
her positive outlook. Shading adds
depth to the shape, with warm blonde
Alter Ego Italy is a professional and wheat blonde making the Golden
haircare brand for contemporary Brown bright and irresistible.
women that strikes a balance between Style is expressed in a versatile,
sophistication, style, personal care and but sophisticated look.
a focus on sustainability. Inspired by All Alter Ego Italy salons share a
its belief in the uniqueness of every message of beauty and kindness, never
woman, it is presenting y.O.U., letting their customers down thanks to
yOUR ORIGINAL UNIQUENESS, sustainable, high-performance products
the new 2023 collection for that harness the most innovative
women who want to express their formulation technology around to
unparalleled, invaluable uniqueness. cater to the needs of all kinds of hair.