Page 28 - Export Magazine
P. 28


                                                  fAN ToucH

                         THE NEw LINE foR STyLINg

                     ANd fINISHINg fRoM fANoLA

                                            The professional haircare brand

                                            launches a new collection to define,
                                            fix and protect hair

                                                                                        Touch symbolizes the creativity
                                                                                        of the professional, but also
                                                                                        of the final consumer who with
                                                                                        their own touch creates new looks.
                                                                                        Fan Touch by Fanola comprises
                                                                                        a complete family of products
                                                                                        to fix all styles and types of hair;
                                                                                        all the products to shape and
                                                                                        define both curly and straight hair;
                                                                                        products to protect hair from heat
                                                                                        stress and the damp; products
                                                                                        to restore strength and tone to weak
                                                                                        and fine hair and enhance its volume
                                                                                        without weighing it down and,
                                                                                        lastly, all the products required
                                                                                        for a brilliant and silky finish.

            The segment of styling and finishing   fIX IT                  ExTRA STRONG LACQUER SPRAy
            has become one of the most dynamic     Eco fIX IT              ECOLOGICAL ExTRA STRONG LACQUER
            on the professional haircare market,
            growing constantly in recent years     HIgH coNTRoL            ExTRA STRONG MOUSSE
            and it is estimated to reach           gIvE ME HoLd            ExTRA STRONG FLUID GEL
            a value of $29 billion by 2029.
                                                   MAd MATT                FLExIBLE OPAQUE PASTE
            Styling is a means to express one’s
            personality and is fundamental         THERMo fIX              HEAT-PROTECTIVE FIxING SPRAy
            to complete the salon’s work           HEAT BLocK              HEAT-PROTECTIVE SPRAy
            because it impacts multiple
            aspects: it gives shape to             BE ELASTIc              VOLUME LACQUER SPRAy
            the cut and enhances the colour.       ANTI gRAvITy            VOLUME MOUSSE
            The new line is called Fan Touch,
            Fan not only as it is half of Fanola   cuRL PASSIoN            CURL MOUSSE
            but also because it represents         gET cuRL                CURL DEFINITION CREAM
            the faithful supporter and “fan”       fEEL THE coNTRoL        CURL DEFINITION FLUID
            of Fanola who continues to follow,
            support and promote the brand.         wANNA STRAIgHT          ANTI-FRIZZ STRAIGHTENING CREAM
            Fan is also close to Fun, the concept   dEfINE ME              FIxING SHINING WAx
            of lightness and enjoyment which
            takes us right to the heart of the brand.  KEEP ME BRIgHT      SHINING CRySTALS

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