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                                                  INTerVIew wITH FrANceSco IoPPoLo,

                                                  ITeLY HAIrFASHIoN HeAD
                                                  oF INTerNATIoNAL bUSINeSS

                                                  which is a must for clients looking   traditional and forward-thinking, this
                                                  for natural yet long-lasting results.   dedication to professional development
                                                  It also offers up to 4 levels of lightening,   has helped us establish a loyal
                                                  making it ideal for those who want    following. Stylists trust us to deliver
                                                  to brighten their hair without harsh   products that not only perform but also
                                                  chemicals (using a 1:1 mix ratio).    help them grow their expertise.
                                                  Secondly, DELYGLOW excels in
                                                  tone-on-tone coloring, which gives hair   EM: with the growing demand for
                                                  a soft, full, and luminous reflection.   premium haircare in Asia, how do you
                                                  This gentler approach is perfect      see ITeLY HAIrFASHIoN positioning
                                                  for enhancing natural dark tones      itself for the future in this region?
                                                  often found in Asian hair, without    FI: The Asian market is very exciting
                                                  causing excessive damage.             for us. We see it as a place where
                                                  We recommend a 1:2 mix for this effect,   innovation and tradition come
                                                  which provides a rich, natural finish.  together, and we believe that ITELY
            HIS INSIGHT oN THe DIFFereNT          Lastly, DELYGLOW offers a range       HAIRFASHION is uniquely positioned
            mArKeTS AND cULTUreS IS               of shades that are perfect for        to meet the needs of Asian consumers
            PArTIcULArLY APPrecIATeD              neutralizing unwanted tones           who want high-performance, eco-
            bY comPANY’S bUSINeSS                 or creating trendy pastel effects.    conscious products. Our focus will be
            PArTNerS                              The color palette is highly customizable   on continuing to adapt to local needs,
                                                  based on the client’s needs and       whether that’s through developing
            EXPORT MAGAZINE: Asian hair is        hair type. You can mix it with our    specific products tailored to the region
            known for being thick, strong, and    pH Modulator for an even more         or strengthening our partnerships with
            resilient, but it also has unique needs.   personalized result, whether it’s subtle   salons. At the same time, we’ll stay
            How does ITeLY HAIrFASHIoN            tones or bold transformations.        true to our Italian roots—offering that
            cater to the specific requirements    These easy-to-use formulas ensure     blend of luxury, natural ingredients,
            of Asian hair?                        flawless results every time, which    and scientific expertise that our clients
            FrANceSco IoPPoLo: Absolutely.        makes DELYGLOW the perfect            around the world have come to love.
            We recognize that Asian hair has its own   choice for those seeking vibrant   The future of haircare is about balancing
            set of characteristics—its thickness and   and personalized hair changes.   beauty with sustainability, and we’re
            strength are certainly unique, but that                                     ready to lead that conversation in Asia.
            can also make it more susceptible to   EM: ITeLY HAIrFASHIoN has
            dryness or damage from heat styling.   built a strong reputation            EM: one last question—what’s
            To address these needs, our products   among professional stylists.         the next big thing for ITELY
            are designed to enhance the natural   what role does professional           HAIrFASHIoN that we should
            beauty and strength of Asian hair.    education play in the                 keep an eye out for?
            One of our standout products          brand’s strategy?                     FI: There’s so much on the horizon!
            for this is DELYGLOW, which is        FI: Professional education is at the   We’re working on evolving our product
            perfect for anyone looking for vibrant,   heart of what we do. We see ourselves   lines with new innovations that further
            personalized hair transformations.    not just as a product supplier, but as a   push the boundaries of hair health
                                                  partner to stylists and salons worldwide.   and sustainability. Without giving too
            EM: Can you tell us more about        We invest heavily in training and     much away, you can expect to see
            DELYGLOW and why it’s a great fit     education to ensure that hairdressers   more advanced treatments that cater
            for Asian consumers?                  understand how to get the best        to specific hair concerns, especially
            FI: DELYGLOW is an extraordinary      results with our products.            those that we know are priorities for
            product that offers a triple-action   In fact, many of our innovations      Asian clients. We’re also focusing on
            solution, making it incredibly versatile   are born out of conversations with   expanding our presence in key markets,
            for different hair needs and styles.   stylists—they provide insights that   so I think you’ll be hearing a lot more
            First, it’s an ammonia-free permanent   help us continue refining our formulas.   about ITELY HAIRFASHION in Asia
            color that provides 100% gray coverage,   In Asia, where salon culture is both   in the near future.
                                                                                                                Claudia Stagno

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