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            INSPIrATIoN AND
            THe KeY worD
            oF SUcceSS

            The Change event was a perfect balance
            between inspiration and pragmatism.
            At times, change is exactly what we need
            to evolve professionally and channel
            energies into something new.
            On the stage, the Emsibeth stylistic
            team were able to transform this
            philosophy into vibrant looks, with
            live exhibitions which displayed the                                        INSTrUmeNTS oF
            latest trends of colour and styling.                                        GrowTH For SALoNS
                                                                                        As well as artistic inspirations, the event
                                                                                        offered moments of practical training.
                                                                                        Danilo Foresi, with his experience in
                                                                                        the field of managerial formation of
                                                                                        hairstylists, gave concrete instruments
                                                                                        to develop the colouring business and
                                                                                        improve salon management. His words
                                                                                        gave the participants ideas to increase
                                                                                        client loyalty and make the colouring
                                                                                        service become an element of strength
                                                                                        and distinction for each salon.

                                                          Roberto Bombardieri and
                                                         Paolo di Pofi and their models
                                                  This product, enriched with bioactive
            Afsoon Neginy, International Marketing Specialist   thermal water from the spring
                                                  of Giunone leaves hair shiny
            NoT oNLY FASHIoN!                     and thanks to its innovative formula,
            To explore in greater depth knowledge   becomes a real treatment for the
            of marketing, experts appeared on     beauty and well-being of the scalp.
            stage, including Afsoon Neginy, who
            offered an in-depth view of market    eXcITING STYLISTIc
            trends and on the evolutions of the   PerFormANceS                          Danilo Foresi, Managerial Hairdressers’ Education Specialist
            consumer. Her words gave a clear      One of the most eagerly awaited
            perspective on the future of hair salons,   moments was the performance     A SePTember FULL oF
            underscoring the importance           by the Emsibeth Stylistic Team,       eNerGY AND VISIoN
            of being able to adapt to changes     captained by the international        Emsibeth’s Change event was able
            but without ever losing sight         hairstylist Roberto Bombardieri:      to offer everything that haircare
            of one’s values and personality.      Rebecca Masia, Giada Fabbri,          professionals need to tackle the
                                                  Luca Catone, Sara Teodori, Enzo Vairo,   new season with enthusiasm: new
            THermAL coLor:                        Carmine Di Maio, Andrea Meccariello,   technologies, business tools and
            coLoUr THAT IS                        Cristiano Leuzzi, Alessio Giorgi      above all, a great deal of inspiration.
            weLL-beING AS weLL                    and Paolo di Pofi. The team brought   September is confirmed as a month
            The major new product presented       audacious creative visions to the stage,   of important initiatives and this
            at the event was undoubtedly          transforming the concept of colour into   event was no exception, launching
            Thermal Color, an innovation          pure art. Their creations captured the   a message that is strong and clear:
            which not only enriches the offer     essence of change, showing that stylistic   change is the opportunity to progress
            of the salons, but also increases     innovation can be synonymous with     and make your salon evolve towards
            their perceived value.                both elegance and visual impact.      new horizons of success.

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