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Your Daily beauty elixir
In today’s fast-paced world, self-care
often takes a backseat. Between work,
family, and social commitments,
finding time to prioritize your
well-being can be challenging.
However, taking care of your body is
essential for living your best life every day.
Nutrition, the cornerstone of our health,
also plays a crucial role in hair beauty.
A balanced diet, rich in essential
nutrients, is the first step towards
a healthy and vibrant mane.
However, the hectic pace of modern
life and poor eating habits can lead
to nutritional deficiencies, with
negative consequences for hair health.
MY.ORGANICS, committed to a
360-degree approach to well-being,
has developed MY.FORMULA+,
a line of hair-specific supplements
designed to complement nutritional
intake and promote scalp health.
Why choose MY.FORMULA+?
Personalized formulas: Depending on your specific needs, MY.FORMULA+ offers a range of supplements designed to address
various hair-related issues, from hair loss to fragility.
Natural ingredients: All MY.FORMULA+ supplements are formulated with high-quality ingredients, selected for their beneficial
properties and their ability to work synergistically.
Visible results: Thanks to a specific pool of natural ingredients, MY.FORMULA+ helps strengthen hair fibers, stimulate growth,
combat hair loss, and improve scalp health.
360° well-being: MY.ORGANICS believes in a holistic approach to well-being that goes beyond simple aesthetic care.
MY.FORMULA+ supplements contribute to improving overall health, promoting complete physical and mental well-being.
How do MY.FORMULA+ supplements work? Hair, like any other part In conclusion, MY.FORMULA+ represents
of the body, needs a constant supply of nutrients to grow healthy and strong. an innovative and comprehensive solution
MY.FORMULA+ supplements provide the essential substances for those who want healthy, strong, and
that may be missing from your daily diet, helping to: shiny hair. Thanks to
• Make hair stronger and shinier: MY.FORMULA+ supplements help strengthen the the synergy between
hair fiber, making it more resistant and lustrous. high-quality natural
• Stimulate growth: Some active ingredients in the supplements help stimulate scalp ingredients and
microcirculation, promoting the growth of new hair. personalized formulas,
• Combat hair loss: MY.FORMULA+ supplements contain substances that can help MY.FORMULA+
support the slowing of hair follicle miniaturization, the main cause of hair loss. offers a tailored
• Improve scalp health: Thanks to their soothing and antioxidant action, wellness journey
MY.FORMULA+ supplements help keep the scalp healthy and hydrated. for every need.