P. 21

inTeRVieW WiTh daniele lenTini
       properties of Francofonte
       Oranges for the skin                           maYOR OF FRancOFOnTe
       (by dr alberto Barbara,
       cosmetologist, head
       of R & d, aBc cosm)                            We interviewed the
       Moisturizing and emollient: The oils in orange help   mayor of Francofonte,
       keep the skin moisturized, soft and elastic, fighting   daniele lentini, to get
       skin dryness.
       Antioxidant: It protects the skin from free radicals,   to know more about
       slowing  down  skin  ageing  and  preventing  the   the town of Francofonte,
       formation of wrinkles.                         which everybody knows
       Toning and refreshing: It tones the skin, leaves it
       more radiant and gives a sensation of freshness.  for an excellent product:
       Purifying:  It  helps  purify  the  skin,  removing   the red tarocco orange.
       impurities and excess sebum, and it is useful for
       combination and oily skins.
       Astringent:  It  closes  pores  and  helps  reduce   EXPORT MAGAZINE: Francofonte was
       redness.                                       the birthplace, many years ago, of the
       Cosmetic applications of Francofonte Oranges   authentic red tarocco orange.
                                                      What has this activity meant over time
       The Francofonte Orange is used in many cosmetic   for your town from the cultural point
       products, including:                           of view and the perspective of appreciating
       Essential oils: The essential oil of orange is one of   a crop that represents your roots?
       the most widely used ingredients in aromatherapy   DANIELE LENTINI: The historical importance
       and in natural cosmetics  for its relaxing and   of the tarocco orange with red flesh securely   One of our objectives is to increase sales
       rebalancing properties.                        connects the town of Francofonte as one of   on foreign markets, on the strength of the
       Moisturizing  creams:  Extract  of  orange  is  added   the first producers in the world of this type   success that we are already enjoying in some
       to moisturizing creams to nourish and protect the   of product. The agricultural tradition, which   European countries and in Switzerland.
       skin.                                          started three centuries ago has continued
       Face toners: Toners with orange are ideal to purify   until the present, and will continue in the near   EM: How important is it to be competitive
       and refresh skin, especially after cleansing.  future, as it drives the agricultural economy.   with respect to competition,
       Face  masks:  Face  masks  with  orange  have  an   We live on agriculture, industry has never   without sparing quality?
       exfoliating, purifying and brightening action.  arrived here. An advantage? Definitely that   DL: Containing costs is a primary item: we
       Products for the bath: Bath salts, massage oil and   we enjoy all the advantages of a healthy and   will shortly have an agrivoltaic system in
       foam baths with orange give a sensation of well-  unpolluted life; a disadvantage? We have had   Francofonte which will cut electricity bills to
       being and relaxation.                          times when, with joining the EEC, we were not   zero and allow pumping water without severe
       Products for the hair : Shampoos and conditioners   competitive compared to other countries which   repercussions on the cost of the harvest.
       with orange are recommended for oily and lifeless   benefited from industrialized processes. While   This, in addition to our system
       hair, thanks to their purifying and strengthening   admitting that the south of Italy was partially   of franchising which allows us to be
       properties.                                    penalized for a series of reasons, I am proud to   independent with respect to the usual
                                                      say that we are getting organized to overcome   distribution circuits, means that today
       Benefits for the skin                          the objective difficulties that we have encountered   our farmers can feel moderately satisfied.
       The regular use of cosmetics based on Francofonte   over time, not dependent on our will.  Thanks also to the contribution of young
       oranges can lead to numerous benefits for the skin,                                   people, we are relaunching our activities: new
       including:                                     EM: What initiatives have you undertaken?   technologies, new grafts, production which
       Brighter  and  more  radiant  skin:  Thanks  to  the   DL: We are using a particular system of   takes place 365 days a year. The first results
       exfoliating and purifying action.              franchising, thanks to which 600 producers   are appearing, naturally the more tangible
       Younger  and  more  toned  skin:  Thanks  to  the   of Francofonte, who have obtained 600   ones will be seen over the next few years.
       antioxidant and moisturizing action.           licences from producer to consumer thanks
       Skin  is  more  protected  from  external  agents:   to a specific law, can sell the oranges all   EM: Raw materials that are highly desirable
       Thanks to the antioxidant action..             over Italy through dedicated points of sale.   in the field of cosmetics are also obtained
       Reduction of imperfections, Thanks to the purifying   This takes place in winter, as in the summer   from oranges…
       and astringent action.                         the farmers return to their crops.     DL: Of course, the rind in particular contains
       In conclusion, the orange  of Francofonte is a   Our franchising is increasingly successful   precious substances, such as pectin.
       precious natural ingredient for cosmetics, capable   and allows us to reach a wide range of   As everyone knows, oranges contain
       of offering numerous benefits for the skin. If you   consumers and connoisseurs of our product.  a high percentage of Vitamin C , used for
       have  dry  skin,  choose  products  rich  in  oils  and                               various purposes, in food and cosmetics.
       butters, while if your skin is oily or combination,   EM: Which other instruments are you using   There is still a long way to go, to reach
       choose purifying and astringent products.      to publicize a product like yours, synonymous   all-round use, however we are optimistic,
                                                      with excellence?                       because our objective is very clear: to obtain
                                                      DL: It is important to implement a strategy   the best from an activity that is hundreds
                                                      that can make our product known both   of years old of which we are very proud.
                                                      in Italy and internationally and highly   To date no industries of transformation have
                                                      competitive if we consider its indisputable   settled in our area that allowed processing
                                                      quality. We are in a hilly area, which does not   both the rind and the flesh of the oranges,
                                                      undergo great differences in temperature   to obtain both orange-based beverages
                                                      and this means that the ripening is optimal,   and cosmetics; this is the case in other
                                                      giving rise to very flavoursome red flesh.  places in Sicily, which can already produce
                                                      Thanks to funding from the Francofonte Town   transformation processes of the raw material,
                                                      Council and the Sicilian Regional Council,   which will be used by different industries.
                                                      we have set up a promotional programme   What is new is that we have recently planned
                                                      with many initiatives which include our   some plots of land at zero cost in some small
                                                      participation in some important international   business areas, for the transformation of
                                                      trade fairs in the food sector.        citrus fruit.
                                                                                                                       Claudia Stagno
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