P. 42
VIeTbeAUTY & coSmobeAUTé VIeTNAm
2024 recorD-breAKING SUcceSS
This year’s exhibition, held fromvJuly 27th, showcased over
2,000 brands from more than 20 countries and territories,
occupying a sprawling 15,965 square meters. Beyond the
expansive exhibition space, the event featured a dynamic
lineup of specialized seminars, business networking
opportunities, perfume crafting workshops, livestream
sessions, and a variety of other engaging activities. The event
drew an impressive crowd of over 10,500 trade buyers and
unique visitors, making it a resounding success and a must-
attend highlight in the beauty calendar.
Vietbeauty & Cosmobeauté Vietnam leading experts and industry figures,
2024, organized by Informa Markets the event featured a series of
Vietnam, was honored to be chosen by international and specialized seminars
over 600+ domestic and international that had become major highlights.
exhibitors as an all-in-one occasion to These sessions delved into cutting-
showcase their latest beauty products, edge topics such as advanced and
services, and technologies to the sustainable cosmetic manufacturing
Vietnamese market. The event provided formula, applications of artificial
a crucial trading opportunity, allowing intelligence, omnichannel distribution
attendees to discover supply chain and marketing strategies.
suppliers, create distribution and retail According to Mr. Nguyen Minh Tuan, CEO
partnerships in the beauty sector, and At the exhibition, visitors explored of Viet Huong Cosmetics, an exhibitor
explore a wide range of offerings, from a world of beauty and wellness with at Vietbeauty & Cosmobeauté Vietnam
raw materials, OEM/ODM manufacturing, exclusive opportunities to consult 2024: “This exhibition is extremely
and packaging, to finished professional with leading experts and top brands. significant for our company. It allows us
& retail products such as cosmetics, They experienced the latest in spa to effectively promote our services to
skincare, personal care, perfumes, nail technologies, make-up, skincare and customers and provides an opportunity to
care, hair care, and professional beauty treatments, including skin analysis, connect with many potential international
equipment & treatment products for eyelash extensions, nail & hair styling, clients. The atmosphere of the exhibition
spas, clinics, and salons. The presence and firsthand testing of newly launched is vibrant. It has enabled us to meet
of over 2,000 beauty brands from more products. Additionally, the exhibition numerous international suppliers”.
than 20 countries and regions was featured engaging activities such as Mrs. Juanita Aditiawan, President of
a striking highlight of the event, perfume making, livestream with the ASEAN Cosmetics Association and
with international exhibitors Dr. Map Hong, 360-degree photo Vice President of the Foreign Affairs
making up 85% of the showcase. booth, prize-winning games, and & Business Development Chamber
recycling cosmetic packaging, etc. in Indonesia, also shared: “This year’s
Vietbeauty & Cosmobeauté Vietnam Vietbeauty & Cosmobeauté Vietnam has
2024 was not only impressive in scale exceeded my expectations. I am truly
but also stood out for its engaging impressed with the excellent organization
activities designed to elevate the of the event, the diverse range of exhibits,
visitor experience. Guided by and the large number of visitors.”
Let’s prepare for the spectacular comeback of Vietbeauty & Cosmobeauté Vietnam
2025, set to dazzle at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC) from
July 24 - 26 , 2025. Next year’s exhibition is expected to expand to a total area of