P. 44


                                   PArLUX HAIrDrYerS

                   AN eXceLLeNce TrADemArK IN

                THe HAIrSTYLING ProFeSSIoNAL

                                   ProDUcTS INDUSTrY

            The month of September marks the
            anniversary of the foundation of the
            Parlux company, which since 1977 has
            established itself in the world of national
            and international hairstyling thanks to
            their high-quality professional hairdryers
            designed for hairdressers, so much so
            that the brand is now recognized as a
            symbol of excellence throughout the

                                                                                                               And finally,
                                                                                                               the latest
                                                                                                           models, Parlux
                                                                   hairdryers both                     DIGITALYON® and
            Parlux deserves credit for being the                  for an intensive                     Parlux ETHOS®, both
            first to have realized a hair dryer made              use in the salon,                    with a digital motor
            of plastic – making it much lighter and                 both during                       and complete with all
            easy-to-handle for the everyday use                     live hair fashion                 the latest technological
            in the salon (in the past, hair dryers                 shows, backstage                  improvements to make
            were made exclusively of metal).                     and hairdressing                     drying hair extremely
            From the first historical models                     competitions.                        fast and reliable,
            presented on the market by Parlux,    The Parlux range assures reliability                  the result of
            to the first attandances to the most   and professionalism, boasting                        continuous research
            important trade fairs, up to the latest   numerous models, each of                          and studies by the
            ones now internationally recognized,   which has become a “faithful         internal Research and Development
            the company has continually been      companion” of many hairdressers.      laboratory of the Milanese company.
            evolving, improving their offer       From the classical model Parlux 2800®   Professionals can be sure that also
            of professional tools to a always     to the Parlux 3200® (the first one    in the future, the Parlux mission will
            wider and demanding audience.         made with a Ceramic& ionic coverage)   be always the same: creating quality,
            Hairstylists in fact, need and love to   up to the recent Parlux ALYON®,    reliable professional hairdryers
            use lightweight, powerful, long-life and   a traditional hairdryer but      to improve the hairdresser’s job
            high-performance professional         modern and extremely powerful.        while ensuring an excellent result.

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