Page 26 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 26

What to know as We Enter

          the Age of Restoration

          As environmental and social governance continues to establish   by the United  Nations as part of their 2030  Agenda for
          itself as a priority for companies, the need for proactivity instead   Sustainable  Development.  Now  inclusive  of  five  P’s  –  People,
          of reactivity has never been more real. The alarming effects of   Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership – the pillars reflect
          climate change on the environment as well as the economic cost   areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet. As
          that comes with it are finally pushing humanity and industries   it pertains to the beauty industry, the AGE OF RESTORATION
          to act. Beyond reaching sustainable means of doing business,   will incite consumers to be increasingly mindful of where and
          one of the greatest challenges posed today is finding ways to   how they buy, and will require beauty companies to answer to
          take restorative actions and maintain economic growth without   key expectations, notably circularity, transparency, traceability,
          compromising the health and safety of populations.         energy use, community, and collaboration.
          With companies putting ESG at the heart of their strategies,   “Business as usual is no longer an option today. The acceleration of
          pivoting corporate strategies to do business responsibly requires   worldwide climate emergencies in the last several years is pushing
          a holistic, integrated approach. As part of BEAUTYSTREAMS’   industries, nations, and individuals to act now. Both developing
          Trend  Funnel  Methodology,  forecasting  global,  societal   nations and developed regions understand that ecological actions
          movements gives a broader view of upcoming consumer trends   are  not  abstract  and  ideological  concepts,  but  a  necessity,  thus
          and their implications on the beauty industry. BEAUTYSTREAMS’   companies are expected to follow suit,”  explains Michael Nolte,
          Future Collective, composed of leading experts in biotechnology,   SVP Creative Director of BEAUTYSTREAMS.
          art, design, technology, beauty, sustainability, and medical   In  recent industry  news demonstrating  the breadth  of  this
          science, has defined the AGE OF RESTORATION as one of the   movement, L’Oréal announced the launch of its Climate
          next four years’ Macro Movements, or societal movements set   Emergency  Fund, to  proactively  support  low-income  and
          to affect all industries.                                  minority  communities by  developing  resiliency  in  the face  of
          The AGE OF RESTORATION movement is the concept that a      climate disasters through preparedness and environment repair
          responsible  balance  between  people,  planet,  and  profit  is   programs. As one of the first of its kind by a consumer products
          required to set realistic goals. Established in the mid-1990’s as a   company,  the  fund  promises  to  support  communities  in  the
          business model that places value on social and environmental   most exposed areas by enabling expert partner organizations
          responsibility as well as a company’s bottom line, the three P’s   to help them prepare for and recover from climate disasters.
          – or the triple bottom line – have recently been re-evaluated   Meanwhile, LVMH announced this summer that three of their

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