Page 27 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
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prestige fragrance Maisons, Parfums Christian Dior, Givenchy CIRCuLAR ECONOMY SOLuTIONS
Parfums and Kenzo Parfums, have launched a strategic Deemed a critical component to achieving climate neutrality
collaboration with Cristal Union, with the objective to improve and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, circular business
the agricultural practices in the beetroot sector, from which the models provide the blueprint for disrupting consumption and
alcohol in its perfumes is sourced. Based on the Regeneration production patterns in every industry. A recent survey of senior
Index, a tool developed by French NGO Pour Une Agriculture executives conducted by Bain & Company in partnership with
Du Vivant, the project allows to assess the agro-ecological the World Economic Forum found that supply chain executives
score of beetroot farms and to support farmers on their path are planning to double the share of revenue from circular
to progress. products and services by 2030 and that more than half of the
As part of the AGE OF RESTORATION movement and relying executives surveyed view circularity as a prerequisite for being
on the five P framework to define market opportunities best in class in the future. The practices of repair, reuse, recycle,
within the industry, BEAUTYSTREAMS has identified six pillars rent, as well as business models that replace products with
for companies to lean on when establishing restorative and services are becoming more widely adopted, yet closed-loop,
proactive ESG goals: A Nature-Positive Approach; Bio-Based circular production systems still remain an opportunity.
Solutions; Circular Economy Solutions; The Clean Energy These solution-based approaches will aid in the continual
Revolution; Transparency and Traceability; and Community and transition to a circular economy based on regeneration,
Collaboration. resilience and recirculation, and will also continue to provide
many new business opportunities, including the ongoing forays
A NATuRE-POSITIVE APPROACH into sustainable packaging.
Exposing weaknesses and highlighting a lack of resiliency, the
pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war have, amongst other TRANSPARENCY & TRACEABILITY
things, wrought havoc on global economies, with the offshoots As conscious consumers prioritize
being a cost-of-living crisis, food insecurity, and ongoing supply truth and information when buying
chain shortages. Accelerated transformation at scale is needed products, values such as authenticity,
in every area of the industry to secure a sustainable future that integrity, and transparency have
prioritizes the well-being of people and the planet. become crucial in the beauty industry,
While many companies prompting better brand accountability.
are now fast-tracking Today’s consumers, especially those
baseline net-zero goals, among younger generations, are well-
there is an urgent need for versed in differentiating between
more ambitious targets greenwashing and authentic impact.
that not only minimize In fact, greenwashing has become an
environmental damage but area of growing concern as we enter
also enhance ecosystems. the next critical stage in the climate
A “nature-positive” long- emergency. According to a recent
term approach is critical British poll conducted by global market agency YouGov, two
to ensure sustainable thirds of British consumers are mistrustful of sustainability-
goals of health and well- related business claims. It is becoming imperative for businesses
being, and economic to adopt more transparent practices that also have additional
stability for future benefits of promoting circularity, providing more oversight of
generations. This approach supply chains, including Scope 3 emissions (assets not controlled
includes engineered and by the organization), and fostering more engagement with
natural-based solutions customers. However, clear communication and standardized
such as conservation metrics remain a barrier. In response to transparency demands,
and regeneration of a clutch of new third-party platforms and apps are emerging,
biodiversity, afforestation, water stewardship, regenerative with the aim of educating consumers about how to navigate
agriculture, and more. With the World Economic Forum beauty industry claims. These apps and platforms are striving
estimating that a nature-positive economy can unlock US $10 to make consumers’ purchase decisions easier by providing
trillion of business opportunities, a myriad of companies across transparent and reliable information regarding the definition
industries have already found their nature-positive approaches. and function of beauty products’ ingredients.