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distinguished our company; however, a couple of years
ago, we reflected at length and we said to ourselves
that Layla Cosmetics, after all these years, deserved to
explode on the market with renewed vigour. This led
me to think about a partner who could support us and
strengthen us to reach new objectives.
em: Why did you believe in the figure of Alessio Badia?
BS: We were not looking for a purely financial partner,
but a partner that shared with us the need to make Layla
a modern company, dealing with the management, the With the new ownership, we are
industrial accounting and all the aspects of business now at the next step, i.e. looking
essential for growth which, at the present moment, is for a new ambassador; it is time
indispensable for a company with our characteristics. to give Layla a new face…
In Alessio we found a partner that appreciates our
values, and at the same time will take our company to em: What is the business model you are following?
reach the goals it deserves. BS: I am back, after a few years, in the role of Sales
Director, I meet old and new operators and present
em: What are the fundamental values on which the our proposals to them arguing not only from the
force of Layla Cosmetics is based? commercial point of view, but also of the product.
BS: Thanks to my mother’s innate talent and the fact of On their side, there is a very strong interest and an
having been at her side for such a long time, I learned attachment to the company that greatly flatters me.
what it means to create a product. Our strength is our At last they are dealing with a face, a name and a
expertise, we make all our products in our range. brand that exists and is attentive to their needs.
We start from the R & D, with meticulous research into I am in a very beautiful phase of my professional life, I
the raw materials, the quality control and production. have peace of mind and I see in Alessio Badia a person
‘Going down into production,’ hearing the noise of the who has confidence in me and in all of us.
machinery which turns out products that we ourselves This fact gives me incredible energy, and steps up the
conceived, gives me immense joy and excitement. speed for all our plans.
em: In recent years, you have given an important em: What are your plans for development abroad?
space to communication, what made you take this BS: For many reasons, the export market was slightly
step? neglected in the past; this will not be the case for the
BS: It was a natural passage, coming from the need to future; we have a good timing and at last the right
make consumers perceive that Layla Cosmetics cannot strategy.
be classified only as the company that makes nail
varnishes. We are a company that makes make-up and em: What is this strategy, by and large?
nail varnishes. We also decided to address a target of BS: Optimizing the range: it’s pointless keeping
younger consumers, or with a young spirit. products that no longer sell in the portfolio; for
This is why I chose to be brand ambassador, sure of example, we have reduced by half the range of gels
being able to dialogue with the consumers who the and varnishes.
competence that I have matured in the company, We are nevertheless keeping all the formulas in our
definitely with a responsible approach, based on trust archive, ready to use them again if necessary.
and coherence. My role in the company certainly does We are continually improving the formulas, making
not allow me to joke. The information I give is not them more modern with the help of new raw materials.
only about the use of the products but also on how We can also make personalized products and colours,
they are made; for us this is being in the avant-garde, suitable to the various markets.
addressing our consumers with transparency, it means For example, we have a range of foundations in 22
having reached a goal, while going counter-current shades that we can use in the various formulations, as
compared to the ways other brands communicate. well as concealers in 12 different shades.
claudia Stagno