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            pARLUX ALYoN® LILAC - SpECIAL EDITIoN                                                   a silicon cable retainer; in
                                                                                                    this way the hair dryer will
            The professional best seller hair dryer offering very good                              be easily portable both
            performances appreciated all over the world, is now available                           by hairstylists working at
            in a special edition Lilac color, which is trendy, modern,                              backstages, hair shows,
            and very elegant. The Lilac color of the Parlux ALYON®                                  hairstyling competitions,
            is a very delicate nuance, beloved by hairdressers and private                          any by people who travel
            users; the hairdryer is as always, synonymous with reliability                          a lot and want to have
            and high quality. The most important features of the Parlux                             their favourite hair
            ALYON include the K-Advance Plus® motor (2250 Watt), its                                dryer with them.
            light weight and power as well as the optimal balance.                                  The Parlux ALYON®
            It includes the “Air Ionizer Tech”, the system which, emitting                          Lilac “Special edition”
            negative ions eliminates the static electricity and allows   is available in the standard version, with two quick-release
            for perfect drying to get soft, brilliant hair. In addition,   coupling nozzles allowing a safe and quick assembly.
            it is equipped with the HFS (Hair Free System – Patented),   The first nozzle is the ideal one for a hairfold, the second
            which placed on the outake of the hairdryer,             one for a quick hair drying, which in the Pack version
            it catches and collects hair, keeping                                is much more complete and includes the
            the tool clean and efficient over time.                              revolutionary Parlux Magic Sense® diffuser.
            The hair dryer is coated with a                                      This accessory revolutionizes drying curly
            special ‘Antibacterial’ silver powder                                hair to get perfect curls without mess.
            coating that creates a surface                                       Its anti-heating outer cap allows any user, and
            unfavourable to microorganisms                                       especially the professional hairdresser who
            and helps maintain the hygiene                                       uses it often, to hold the instrument without
            of the device during use.                                            the risk of getting burnt. The Parlux ALYON®
            In this special edition, the                                         Lilac “Special edition” is going to become
            Parlux ALYON® Lilac is presented                                     a “must” tool for those wishing to give
            in an elegant black bag where                                        refreshing, new color to their salons, always
            you’ll also find two nozzles and                                     being sure of using a reliable and safe device.

               pARLUX ETHoS®, THE                  It’s a superior quality                           Brand new for
               “MADE IN ITALY” ALL-DIGITAL         hair dryer that                                   this model, the
               HAIR DRYER ALSo LANDS               nowadays is also a                                revolutionary
               IN THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES         trendy one; modern,                               360° twisting cable
                                                   with an appealing                                 (STC Special Twisting
               Parlux Ethos was also officially    design, it is completely                          Cable) allows
               presented in Dubai at Beautyworld   digital, powerful,                                complete freedom
               Middle East which took place        lightweight, very well                            of movement
               from Oct. 28  to 30 , at the        balanced and easy to                              throughout styling.
               Dubai World Trade Centre.           use, it is complete with                          It is available in
               The Parlux booth organized by       the most advanced                                 7 different colors:
               the local distributor NAZIH Group,   technologies such as                             Matt White, Fuchsia,
               was very crowded also due           the Air Ionizer Tech (system emitting   Lilac, Galaxy Blue, Copper, Titanium
               to the presentation of this new     negative ions), and the HFS         and Black. The event, which has
               hair dryer, the latest creation of   (Hair Free system - patended)      always been highly successful and
               the famous Italian manufacturer.    hair catching system to keep your hair   attended by large numbers of
                                                   dryer clean and efficient over time.  Middle Eastern, European and
                                                   With a power of 2300 Watt, it is    U.S. industry players, is the meeting
                                                   supplied with 3 speeds and 3        place of excellence for the demand
                                                   temperatures to select 9 different   and supply of quality products
                                                   combinations and once again find the   and services from the hair & beauty
                                                   performances of the best loved Parlux   world in countries in the Middle
                                                   models preferred by hair stylists.   East region and beyond...

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