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            THE NEW pARLUX DIGITAL HAIR                                                    THE pARLUX ETHoS HAIR DRYERS AT
            DRYERS AT CoSMopRoF ASIA 2024                                                  THE pRESENTATIoN EVENT oF THE
                                                                                           “TRUE EDUCATIoNAL” METHoD
            Last 12  November to 15 , The Convention
            & Exhibition Centre of the Asian                                               On Monday October 28  in Pavia, at
            metropolis hosted the 27  edition                                              the Hangar space of FabbricaPoggi, the
            of Cosmoprof Asia, the International                                           brand new Parlux Ethos hair dryers (the
            trade exhibition bounding every year,                                          latest Parlux all-digital model, loved by
            producers, importers, distributors,                                            hairdressers for its many technical qualities,
            dealers and professionals of the beauty   already the best seller in the wide range   especially dedicated to their profession)
            industry coming from over 47 countries.   of the Parlux professional hairdryers, they   were the favourite working tools of the
            This edition of the fair was attended   are the best on the market according to   stylists who animated the Hair show
            by about 2,500 exhibitors and more    the latest research devoted to improving   entitled “The True Educational method -
            than 60,000 visitors, confirming it as   the professionals’ job: a new concept   from professional training to the world of
            an important crossroad for meetings,   digital motor, power, lightweight, optimal   work - the Evolution of men’s hairstyling.”
            trade exchanges, partnerships and     balance, exclusive systems such as       illustrating to an audience of professionals
            new business opportunities as well as   the “Air Ionizer Tech”, which emitting   and attentive students of the CIOFS-FP
            discovering current trends for operators   negative ions eliminates the static   Lombardy, (an institute that offers training
            throughout Asia. As usual, Parlux, brand   electricity and allows for perfect   courses and educational opportunities to
            leader in the quality hairdryer industry, at   drying to get soft, brilliant hair; the   young people) the latest trends and outlets
            the booth organized by Renovo Essentials   ‘HFS (Hair Free System – Patented)   that this job can offer.
            presented their latest modern, digital   which placed on the hairdryer intake   The hair fashion
            technology hairdryers, the Digitalyon and   catches and collects the hair keeping   show was
            Ethos models in particular. For some time   the tool clean and efficient over time.  interesting with
                                                                                           a demonstration
            LoNDoN: AT SALoN INTL. 2024,                                                   of cuts and
            GREAT SUCCESS FoR THE                                                          grooming
            pARLUX ETHoS® HAIR DRYERS                                                      trends through
                                                                                           the presentation
            The London’s Salon InternationaI is, for                                       of 14 models,
            long time an unmissable appointment for                                        as well as formative and inspirational
            all those working in the beauty world; the                                     techniques, proposed by the well-known
            occasion to discover new items and hair   Parlux Ethos® presents 3 speeds and   barber hair stylist Diego Zaffaro, creator
            fashion, innovative services and attend   3 temperatures and allows for a selection   of the TRUE Educational training method,
            to live fashion shows of the most famous   of 9 combinations to encounter the usual   as well as co-owner of SIR, an elegant
            hair designers or educational masterclass   performances of other Parlux models   barber shop in the city of Pavia. The easy
            for any beauty speciality: hairdressing,   and suit the drying experience according   handling, lightweight and power of the
            make up or nail. At Salon Intl. the various   to the hairdresser’s needs with ease and   Parlux Ethos hair dryer made it possible,
            domestic and International brand      precision. Brand new for this model, the   together with the skill and creativity of the
            booths, usually present the best products   revolutionary 360° (patended) twisting   teaching hairstylists, to perform all the
            and services the market offers just   cable (STC Special Twisting Cable)       proposed hairstyles flawlessly and very
            to better perform the related jobs.   allows for complete freedom of           quickly. The men’s hairstyling industry can
            In the wide tools and accessory panorama,   movement throughout styling and    offer interested young students numerous
            the hair dryers are very important  for the   a new on and off button which, thanks   job opportunities and therefore meet the
            daily hairdressers’ work and are the main   to the memory function, allows finding   needs of customers who are increasingly
            instrument that any hair salon cannot do   the last setting when the tool is turned   concerned about personal care,
            without. At the Hair Tools booth, the Parlux   on again, for quicker and easier use.   hair and especially their beards.
            distributor for the United Kingdom and   For these reasons, the Salon International   It is hoped that this, as well as other
            Ireland, great interest and consequent   visitors greatly appreciated and bought   informational/training meetings, will raise
            success for the Parlux hair dryers especially   it, making this Parlux “Made in Italy”   awareness among those who already
            for the very modern Parlux Ethos®, the   hairdryer a desirable “must-have” tool   possess creative/manual talents and thus
            first Parlux hair dryer completely digital   to be used proudly and safely at one’s   decide to pursue a personal career path
            and equipped with all the indispensable   own salon or on any other occasion   dedicated to the hairstyling world.
            technical features devoted to professionals.   you want to show your own creativity.

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