P. 37


                 DETAILS THAT MAKE

                 THE DIFFERENCE

                 A well-designed packaging
                 is a  powerful visual

                 communication tool!
                 Techniques such as 5-color
                 silkscreen printing with UV
                 and UV-Led inks, hot
                 stamping, tampo printing,

                 and metallization transform
                 jars and bottles in tactile
                 and visual experiences.

                 Every detail contributes
                 to telling the uniqueness
                 of a brand, creating a
                 connection with customers
                 and enhancing the product.

                                                          Here, we’ve customized our new Pampero bottle with Sombrero
                                                      flip-top, showcasing how attention to detail can make a difference.

                 Sustainability is a core value for the Group, which, as   post-consumer recycled materials (PCR, RPET, RPP,
                 a plastic packaging manufacturer, acknowledges its role   RPE) and plastics sourced from renewable resources.
                 in creating environmentally friendly packaging solutions.  Induplast thus offers sustainable packaging without
                 Proof of this commitment is seen in the company’s   compromising functionality, aesthetics, and quality.
                 certifications, such as RECYCLASS, which certifies   Sustainability is a two-way concept: on one hand,
                 the use of recycled plastic in its manufacturing    the manufacturer does not waste or unnecessarily
                 processes, and ISO 22000, which ensures food safety   alter materials, while on the other hand, the consumer
                 for contact with packaging materials (MOCA).        can easily recycle. The proposed packaging is
                 ECOVADIS and B Corporation certifications           compatible with CoSMoS and ECoCERT standards.
                 are also in the process of being obtained.          Finally, the group has introduced new monomaterial
                 Continuous studies and research lead to the creation   dispensers, fully recyclable, and is expanding its product
                 of “green” solutions, such as packaging made from   offering with new capacities and innovative design.

                      PCD 2025 will be an important opportunity to showcase all these new developments,
                                              with exclusive previews at stand H112.

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