P. 36


                   INDUpLAST pACKAGING GRoUp

                                          WE SHAKE YoUR BEAUTY

                            MAKING THE MoST oUT oF pACKAGING

            Induplast packaging Group             with current regulations, with        Among the latest innovations
            is a leading player in the plastic    a focus on the sustainability of      there are Tubairless: packaging
            packaging industry, offering          its processes and materials.          that combines the practicality
            reliable and complete solutions.      In this context, a program has been   of a traditional tube with airless
            With a catalog of approximately       launched to reduce its environmental   dispensing technology, thanks
            3,000 standard products distributed   footprint, with projects focused on :  to a sealed plastic pouch inside
            across various manufacturing sites, the   • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies   the tube. This packaging ensures
            company is able to develop customized   on products and processes;          product protection, ease of use, and
            packaging according to customer       • Experimentation with new materials   sustainability, being 100% recyclable,
            specifications, even utilizing standard   from renewable sources;           safe, and waste-free. Additionally, the
            solutions that can be modified to     • Introduction of Post Consumer       pouch functions as a unidirectional
            reduce costs and time of development.   Recycling (PCR) materials;          piston, providing precise dispensing
            The in-house production process       • Replacement non-recyclable materials   and protecting sensitive formulas
            leverages cutting-edge technologies,    (such as ABS and SAN) with recyclable   from external air contamination.
            including injection and multi-injection   alternatives (like PP and PE);    Tubairless® packaging is compatible
            molding, molding of bottles using     • Modification of existing products to   with traditional bottle filling lines,
            stretch-blow moulding, extrusion of     achieve monomaterial packaging;     making the manufacturing
            tubes and bottles, screen printing,   • Reduction of the weight of products   process practical and versatile.
            offset printing, hot stamping, automatic   and less raw material used in    Another innovative product is the
            assembly of multi-component             production.                         spices glass effect jar, refillable
            packaging, labeling, and sleeving.    Alongside material research, the      thanks to a new 60 ml insert.
            The group is also committed           group develops reusable and refillable   The thicker weight gives a glass effect
            to the continuous research            packaging solutions, such as jars,    to the aesthetics of the jar, lightweight
            of innovative materials, in compliance   sticks, and airless refillable bottles.  and sustainable due to the use of PET.

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