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The world of perfumery is a canvas upon which memories, The base notes of Vaniglia Esotica are a testament to Arturetto's
emotions, and dreams are transmuted into fragrant, treasured masterful blending of contrasting elements. A sweet, mystical
stories. For a master perfumer, each creation is a personal odyssey, balsamic accord adds a touch of intrigue, while a luxurious
a reflection of their unique experiences and deepest passions. In musk provides a lingering warmth on the skin. The overall effect
Esxence 2025, we are in the presence of two new masterpieces is a fragrance that is both inviting and enigmatic, a captivating
from Arturetto Landi's Profumi D'Art x ARMAF collection. Both of journey that lingers long after the final notes have faded.
them are profound stories painted straight from the soul of the
maestro, art exemplified by situated greatness. Latte di Tuberosa:
A Ode to Purity and Childhood
Vaniglia Esotica: Latte di Tuberossa is a fragrance born from collaboration, a
A Consonance of Nostalgia and Exoticism testament to shared passions. Originally crafted for Italian
The story of Vaniglia Esotica is a poignant reminder that the perfume enthusiasts, it captures the essence of a milky white
most captivating fragrances often stem from deeply personal flower, symbolizing purity and innocence. The opening is a
narratives. Arturetto, inspired by his childhood memories delicate balance of light
of his mother's culinary artistry and the vibrant flavors and shadow—galbanum’s
of Oman, embarked on a journey to capture the essence fresh greenness contrasts
of these cherished experiences. The result is a fragrance with exotic tropical fruits,
that defies easy categorization, a modern gourmand hinting at unexpected
masterpiece that seamlessly blends the familiar with the twists. The heart builds
exotic. The opening evokes a sense of playful anticipation, into a breathtaking
a burst of vibrant tropical fruits reminiscent of a bustling crescendo of white florals,
Omani market. These juicy accords are quickly enveloped with tuberose taking
by a rich, creamy texture, reminiscent of the beloved Torta center stage, seamlessly
di Riso Dolce, the sweet rice cake that holds such fond woven with other delicate
memories. The heart of Vaniglia Esotica is a captivating blooms for an ethereal aura. The base is a signature of
dance of white florals: jasmine, orange blossom, tuberose, artistry—a warm glow of amber, sweetened by natural vanilla
gardenia, and narcissus, each contributing its unique facet extract, creates a comforting foundation. Grey amber, white
to the overall bouquet. These delicate blooms lend a touch musks, and precious woods add depth, sensuality, and a
of femininity and elegance, while the underlying warmth of unique character. Latte di Tuberossa evokes tranquility and
Madagascan vanilla provides a comforting, sensual embrace. nostalgia, a fragrance that whispers rather than shouts,
unfolding slowly and seductively on the skin.
A Testament to Artistic Vision
Both Vaniglia Esotica and Latte di Tuberossa are more than just
tasteful fragrances; they are artistic expressions, reflections
of the perfumer's unique journey and their unwavering
commitment to creating olfactory masterpieces.