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when Xerjoff ventured into distant markets, from Asia
to the Middle East to Soviet countries, where we were
warmly welcomed everywhere and that reaction really
encouraged us, it still does to this day. We’re now
present in about 145 countries, including duty-free
and travel retail. This desire to cross the borders of our
country is what inclined us from the beginning to speak
universally to everyone through Xerjoff perfumes, and
the incredible response tells us that there really is an
international love and want for niche perfumery.
EM: Why did you not need to address targets of profiled
consumers, for example by geographical area?
SM: We would never create a perfume just for the
sake of it. I never follow trends or look what trends are
coming up. I look at the bigger picture when I’m inspired.
There’s a story that is the catalyst to each scent, and
each creation speaks in its own way to the client. We’ve
even met people who learn the story behind a scent
and find themselves committing to that story. Each
collection follows a path of its own, and it’s interesting
to see people living the stories of the perfumes on their
own paths.
EM: The Xerjoff world has a broad horizon…
EM: You are opening several monobrand boutiques: SM: True, Xerjoff not only creates artistic perfumes
what is their essential function? that use the best, natural ingredients in the world, each
SM: The boutique is a sanctuary where people can perfume acts as a jewel to keep and to display. We have
come and experience what it means to enter the Xerjoff also partnered with events that explore the art world
universe. In addition to the long-established boutiques and we have many sponsorships, all venturing outside
of London, Milan, Monte Carlo and Turin, there’s now a the traditional world of perfumery. We sponsor many
total of 12 boutiques, including Frankfurt, Kuala Lumpur, sporting events, from sailing to automotive, from tennis
Jakarta and soon to come in Cologne and in the rue Saint- to golf. We also sponsor important causes that are
Honoré in Paris. Sydney and New York are also on the close to my heart, from the CoExistence movement that
list! In Frankfurt and Barcelona we also have an exclusive protects wildlife, as well as Save Me that was created
champagne lounge which was created in honour of the in collaboration with Queen’s Brian May, that sees
co-branding venture with House de Venoge. proceeds of the perfume go to the cause.