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market volume of US$5.11bn in 2023. The Italian consumer is THE NETHERLANDS
focused on health, prevention and selfcare, particularly when In the Netherlands, the Beauty & Personal Care market is
it comes to protecting their skin. Products that are naturally projected to generate a revenue of US$4.11bn in 2024.
positioned and environmentally conscious are becoming a With an annual growth rate of 0.90% (CAGR 2024-2028),
more favourable purchasing choice. Beauty specialist retailers the market is expected to continue expanding. The dutch
and pharmacies remain the source of knowledge and means consumer favours luxury brands and products, with
to make an informed decision and is still the preferred method fragrances performing well in the market. In 2022, consumers
of distribution in Italy. Although ecommerce is thriving, spent over US$0.55bn on fragrances alone. However, this
it’s important to note that the Italian market doesn’t run is expected to slow due to the rise in cost of the supply
a centralised system and therefore it’s important to have chain, leaving retailers no option but to pass on the cost to
a team on the ground to build trust with retailers. the consumer. This is just a quick snapshot of each of the
markets that form Europe, their positioning and the potential
SPAIN opportunities that exist for brands when expanding territory.
In 2024, the revenue in the Beauty & Personal Care market Without a doubt, Europe is an exciting region but it doesn’t
in Spain amounts to US$10.07bn and is projected that the come without its complexities. Although common trends can
market will experience an annual growth rate of 1.53% (CAGR be identified, each country has slight differences in terms of
2024-2028). Spain has one of the oldest demographics in labeling requirements, distribution channels and should be
Western Europe and the consumer looks for security in health navigated carefully. Partnering with an expert who can take
and wellness, especially in terms of product they purchase. your brand and product and identify markets that could hold
As a reflection of the age of the population, consumers are potential opportunities will be key to success and intricacies
willing to pay more for better quality products. Modern grocery of each country should not be overlooked.
retailers are the leading distribution channel for beauty and
personal care, ahead of pharmacies. Although traditional bELgIUM
methods of distribution are preferred, the growth of ecommerce The revenue generated in the Beauty & Personal Care market
was accelerated by the pandemic and continues to grow, in Belgium is estimated to be US$2.97bn in 2024 and is
opening up opportunities for brands to penetrate the market. projected to experience an annual growth rate of 1.96% (CAGR
2024-2028. Consumers in Belgium have been tightening their
PoRTUgAL purse strings following the pandemic which has had an impact
Portugal is a developed and high-income country. The Beauty on market growth across the country. This has also had an
& Personal Care market is projected to generate a revenue impact on ecommerce, however, brands looking to penetrate
of US$2,206.00m in 2024 and is expected to experience an new markets should seriously consider the Belgium market
annual growth rate of 1.52% (CAGR 2024-2028). The Portuguese with huge potential for growth with its young demographic.
consumer searches for the best formulation/quality vs price ratio.
The younger generation in Portugal are much more aware of
environmental issues, adopting more sustainable consumption
habits and paying greater attention to ingredients, packaging
and transportation. The digital space is having a notable
impact on the behaviour of consumers, with a tendency
to adopt a more intense beauty regime at a younger age.
Driven by social media and celebrity culture.
This market represents a space where novel mechanisms
of distribution are emerging. Brands who invest heavily in
creating interaction between consumer and product online
are likely to experience great success in this market.
In 2024, the Beauty & Personal Care market in Ireland is
projected to generate a revenue of US$1.21bn and the market is
expected to grow at an annual rate of 1.81% (CAGR 2024-2028).
Ireland benefits from the freedom of movement of people,
goods, services and capital across the border. The Irish
consumer is typically price conscious whilst desiring quality,
transparency and multifunctionality in products. They look
for simplicity in formulations and the increasing cost in the
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