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            In Europe as a whole, cost sensitivities are present but
            balanced with key values such as health and wellbeing, as well
            as environmental concerns. A heightened demand for quality
            in the composition of products prevails, with visible markers of
            this deemed highly important. The use of natural and organic
            products continues to grow in Europe, as consumers become
            increasingly aware of their carbon footprint, environmental
            impact and the health qualities that can be found in natural
            and active ingredients. The European consumer is ingredient
            savvy and is happy to research prior to purchasing a product.
            A no nasties policy should be adopted by all brands looking
            to penetrate the European market.

                                                                     The younger generation is set to continue
                                                                     demonstrating heightened attention to the interrelationship
                                                                     between their products and the environment.
                                                                     Gen Z, described as the first generation to grow up
                                                                     with internet and portable digital technology,
                                                                     brands must focus on their digital and online presence
                                                                     when targeting this consumer. Novel digital or hybrid
                                                                     means of experiencing products, commercialising and
                                                                     marketing products and selling products are emerging.
                                                                     This is presenting opportunities for newer and
                                                                     smaller brands to infiltrate markets and gain visibility.
                                                                     Europe is made up of 44 countries - 30 of these are
                                                                     part of the EEA (European Economic Area) which
                                                                     allows free movement of goods, capital, services
            gEN Z AND EURoPE’S                                       and people between member states.
            AgEINg PoPULATIoN                                        This free movement of goods makes Europe very

            It’s important to note that Europe benefits from a duality in   attractive for brands looking to service new markets.
            demographic profile where we see the presence of an ageing   Of course, cross-cutting trends in the European beauty
            population situated alongside a younger vocal generation.   industry can be identified. However, at the same time
            Given this, segments such as skincare remain prominent,   it’s important to both acknowledge and understand the
            whilst there is significant drive towards sustainability.   nuances and contextual variability between countries.

               EURoPE: A QUICK ToUR bY CoUNTRY

            Revenue in the Beauty & Personal Care market in France is
            projected to amount to US$17.29bn in 2024 and is expected
            that the market will experience an annual growth rate of
            0.98% (CAGR 2024-2028).

                                                                     France is the 8th largest cosmetics market in the world,
                                                                     with 23% of the market share. France is, without a doubt,
                                                                     the forerunner in the world of beauty and are pioneers in

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